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An app that provides you with the closest daily asteroids, built with the MERN stack. | Voyage-30 |

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An application used to display data from NASA's near earth objects API, built with React, Javascript, and CSS. Also, utilizes MongoDB to collect users information for near earth objects updates.

Project Status

This project is currently in development. Users can search any date and will see information about the near earth object on that date.

Project Screen Shots

When you first open the application it will display the current days near earth object


Click on the input and select the date you wish to find near earth object data on


The new near earth object data will display and then click the MORE button to see more data

More Info

The cards display the next two closest near earth objects to the one you have searched

Card Data

The sign up link will bring you to a sign up for that will add a user to a list for near earth objects updates. Also, you can add a comment to this form.

Sign Up

Here is where all the comments will be displayed for everyone to see.


The daily image page will display NASA's daily image and description.

Daily Image

Installation and Setup Instructions

Clone this repository. You will need node and npm installed globally on your machine.


npm install

To Start Server:

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open [http://localhost:3000]

To Run Test Suite:

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.

To Create Production Ready Build:

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.


  1. What was the context for this project?

    • This project was a Chingu group project
  2. What did you set out to build?

    • We set out to build an application for anyone who wants to find out if a near earth object is hazardous or not. Also, the data will give you further information just as name, distance, and date that it will orbit earth.
  3. Why was this project challenging and therefore a really good learning experience?

    • This project was a great learning experience, because we had to figure out how to use and minuplate the NASA APIs. Also, we had to add a database in order to collect users data for the near object updates.
  4. What were some unexpected obstacles?

    • One of the most unexpected obstacles was trying to work with the near earth object API. This was an obstacle, becasue the JSON file structure was and onject inside of and array inside of a larger object. After getting the data to display it was a challenge to get the data to change to the data selected by the user.


An app that provides you with the closest daily asteroids, built with the MERN stack. | Voyage-30 |






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Contributors 4
