Attempt 1: Use a LinkedList to store the possible positions
class Solution {
public boolean hasPath (int [][] maze , int [] start , int [] destination ) {
int m = maze .length ;
int n = maze [0 ].length ;
List <int []> positionList = new LinkedList <>();
positionList .add (start );
maze [start [0 ]][start [1 ]] = 2 ;
while (!positionList .isEmpty ()) {
int [] position = positionList .removeFirst ();
if (position [0 ] == destination [0 ] && position [1 ] == destination [1 ]) {
return true ;
// Up
int i = position [0 ];
int j = position [1 ];
while (i - 1 >= 0 && maze [i - 1 ][j ] != 1 ) {
i --;
if (maze [i ][j ] != 2 ) {
maze [i ][j ] = 2 ;
positionList .add (new int []{ i , j });
// Down
i = position [0 ];
j = position [1 ];
while (i + 1 < m && maze [i + 1 ][j ] != 1 ) {
i ++;
if (maze [i ][j ] != 2 ) {
maze [i ][j ] = 2 ;
positionList .add (new int []{ i , j });
// Left
i = position [0 ];
j = position [1 ];
while (j - 1 >= 0 && maze [i ][j - 1 ] != 1 ) {
j --;
if (maze [i ][j ] != 2 ) {
maze [i ][j ] = 2 ;
positionList .add (new int []{ i , j });
// Right
i = position [0 ];
j = position [1 ];
while (j + 1 < n && maze [i ][j + 1 ] != 1 ) {
j ++;
if (maze [i ][j ] != 2 ) {
maze [i ][j ] = 2 ;
positionList .add (new int []{ i , j });
return false ;
Runtime: 5 ms (Beats: 58.73%)
Memory: 45.63 MB (Beats: 30.42%)
Attempt 2: Use depth first search algorithm to search the next position
class Solution {
private int m ;
private int n ;
private int [][] maze ;
private int [] destination ;
public boolean hasPath (int [][] maze , int [] start , int [] destination ) {
m = maze .length ;
n = maze [0 ].length ;
this .maze = maze ;
this .destination = destination ;
return hasPathRecursion (start [0 ], start [1 ]);
private boolean hasPathRecursion (int startI , int startJ ) {
if (startI == destination [0 ] && startJ == destination [1 ]) {
return true ;
} else if (maze [startI ][startJ ] != 0 ) {
return false ;
maze [startI ][startJ ] = 2 ;
int i = startI ;
int j = startJ ;
while (i - 1 >= 0 && maze [i - 1 ][j ] != 1 ) {
i --;
if (hasPathRecursion (i , j )) {
return true ;
i = startI ;
j = startJ ;
while (i + 1 < m && maze [i + 1 ][j ] != 1 ) {
i ++;
if (hasPathRecursion (i , j )) {
return true ;
i = startI ;
j = startJ ;
while (j - 1 >= 0 && maze [i ][j - 1 ] != 1 ) {
j --;
if (hasPathRecursion (i , j )) {
return true ;
i = startI ;
j = startJ ;
while (j + 1 < n && maze [i ][j + 1 ] != 1 ) {
j ++;
if (hasPathRecursion (i , j )) {
return true ;
return false ;
Runtime: 1 ms (Beats: 99.88%)
Memory: 45.30 MB (Beats: 62.72%)