LeetCode Records - Question 323 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph
Attempt 1: Use a HashSet to store the node in the same components
class Solution {
public int countComponents (int n , int [][] edges ) {
Set <Integer > nodeSet = new HashSet <>();
List <Set <Integer >> componentList = new ArrayList <>();
for (int [] edge : edges ) {
nodeSet .add (edge [0 ]);
nodeSet .add (edge [1 ]);
List <Set <Integer >> list = new ArrayList <>();
for (Set <Integer > component : componentList ) {
if (component .contains (edge [0 ]) || component .contains (edge [1 ])) {
list .add (component );
int listSize = list .size ();
if (listSize == 0 ) {
Set <Integer > component = new HashSet <>();
component .add (edge [0 ]);
component .add (edge [1 ]);
componentList .add (component );
} else if (listSize == 1 ) {
Set <Integer > component = list .get (0 );
component .add (edge [0 ]);
component .add (edge [1 ]);
} else {
Set <Integer > component1 = list .get (0 );
Set <Integer > component2 = list .get (1 );
if (component1 != component2 ) {
component1 .addAll (component2 );
componentList .remove (component2 );
return componentList .size () + n - nodeSet .size ();
Runtime: 28 ms (Beats: 5.03%)
Memory: 45.92 MB (Beats: 11.73%)