LeetCode Records - Question 1813 Sentence Similarity III Attempt 1: Compare from the left and from the right class Solution { public boolean areSentencesSimilar(String sentence1, String sentence2) { String s1 = sentence1; String s2 = sentence2; if (sentence1.length() > sentence2.length()) { s1 = sentence2; s2 = sentence1; } String[] splits1 = s1.split("\s"); String[] splits2 = s2.split("\s"); int leftIndex = 0; while (leftIndex < splits1.length && splits1[leftIndex].equals(splits2[leftIndex])) { leftIndex++; } int rightIndex1 = splits1.length - 1; int rightIndex2 = splits2.length - 1; while (rightIndex1 >= 0 && splits1[rightIndex1].equals(splits2[rightIndex2])) { rightIndex1--; rightIndex2--; } return leftIndex > rightIndex1; } } Runtime: 1 ms (Beats: 99.05%) Memory: 41.74 MB (Beats: 47.35%)