Attempt 1: Use an int[] to count the number of characters
* // This is the FontInfo's API interface.
* // You should not implement it, or speculate about its implementation
* interface FontInfo {
* // Return the width of char ch when fontSize is used.
* public int getWidth(int fontSize, char ch) {}
* // Return Height of any char when fontSize is used.
* public int getHeight(int fontSize)
* }
class Solution {
public int maxFont (String text , int w , int h , int [] fonts , FontInfo fontInfo ) {
int [] counts = new int [26 ];
for (char ch : text .toCharArray ()) {
counts [ch - 'a' ]++;
for (int i = 0 ; i < fonts .length ; i ++) {
int height = fontInfo .getHeight (fonts [i ]);
if (height > h ) {
return i == 0 ? -1 : fonts [i - 1 ];
int sumOfWidth = 0 ;
for (int j = 0 ; j < 26 ; j ++) {
if (counts [j ] > 0 ) {
sumOfWidth += fontInfo .getWidth (fonts [i ], (char )(j + 'a' )) * counts [j ];
if (sumOfWidth > w ) {
return i == 0 ? -1 : fonts [i - 1 ];
return fonts [fonts .length - 1 ];
Runtime: 3 ms (Beats: 80.00%)
Memory: 55.22 MB (Beats: 57.14%)