LeetCode Records - Question 1604 Alert Using Same Key-Card Three or More Times in a One Hour Period
Attempt 1: Use a HashMap to store the name and its list of times key-value pairs
class Solution {
class Time {
int hour ;
int minute ;
Time (String timeStr ) {
char [] arr = timeStr .toCharArray ();
hour = (arr [0 ] - '0' ) * 10 + arr [1 ] - '0' ;
minute = (arr [3 ] - '0' ) * 10 + arr [4 ] - '0' ;
int compareTo (Time time ) {
return (this .hour - time .hour ) * 60 + this .minute - time .minute ;
public List <String > alertNames (String [] keyName , String [] keyTime ) {
Map <String , List <Time >> timeMap = new HashMap <>();
for (int i = 0 ; i < keyName .length ; i ++) {
List <Time > timeList = timeMap .get (keyName [i ]);
if (timeList == null ) {
timeList = new ArrayList <>();
timeMap .put (keyName [i ], timeList );
timeList .add (new Time (keyTime [i ]));
List <Map .Entry <String , List <Time >>> entryList = new ArrayList <>(timeMap .entrySet ());
entryList .sort ((e1 , e2 ) -> e1 .getKey ().compareTo (e2 .getKey ()));
List <String > ans = new ArrayList <>();
for (Map .Entry <String , List <Time >> entry : entryList ) {
List <Time > timeList = entry .getValue ();
if (timeList .size () < 3 ) {
continue ;
timeList .sort ((t1 , t2 ) -> {
if (t1 .hour != t2 .hour ) {
return t1 .hour - t2 .hour ;
} else {
return t1 .minute - t2 .minute ;
boolean isAlerted = false ;
int size = timeList .size ();
for (int i = 2 ; i < size ; i ++) {
Time currTime = timeList .get (i );
Time lastTime = timeList .get (i - 2 );
if (currTime .compareTo (lastTime ) <= 60 ) {
isAlerted = true ;
break ;
if (isAlerted ) {
ans .add (entry .getKey ());
return ans ;
Runtime: 57 ms (Beats: 90.11%)
Memory: 65.20 MB (Beats: 63.44%)