Attempt 1: Change the opened land to water
class Solution {
private int m ;
private int n ;
private int [][] grid ;
public int closedIsland (int [][] grid ) {
this .m = grid .length ;
this .n = grid [0 ].length ;
this .grid = grid ;
for (int j = 1 ; j < n - 1 ; j ++) {
if (grid [0 ][j ] == 0 ) {
changeLandToWater (0 , j );
if (grid [m - 1 ][j ] == 0 ) {
changeLandToWater (m - 1 , j );
for (int i = 0 ; i < m ; i ++) {
if (grid [i ][0 ] == 0 ) {
changeLandToWater (i , 0 );
if (grid [i ][n - 1 ] == 0 ) {
changeLandToWater (i , n - 1 );
int count = 0 ;
for (int i = 1 ; i < m - 1 ; i ++) {
for (int j = 1 ; j < n - 1 ; j ++) {
if (grid [i ][j ] == 0 ) {
count ++;
changeLandToWater (i , j );
return count ;
private void changeLandToWater (int startI , int startJ ) {
if (startI < 0 || startI >= m || startJ < 0 || startJ >= n || grid [startI ][startJ ] != 0 ) {
return ;
grid [startI ][startJ ] = 1 ;
changeLandToWater (startI - 1 , startJ );
changeLandToWater (startI + 1 , startJ );
changeLandToWater (startI , startJ - 1 );
changeLandToWater (startI , startJ + 1 );
Runtime: 2 ms (Beats: 100.00%)
Memory: 44.30 MB (Beats: 59.14%)