diff --git a/Section_Results.tex b/Section_Results.tex index eb736a3..8d3a7b1 100644 --- a/Section_Results.tex +++ b/Section_Results.tex @@ -37,13 +37,6 @@ \section{Results} \end{center} \end{figure} -Fig.~\ref{fig:cosmology-params-all} displays the marginal posterior distributions for an extended set of cosmological parameters. -We find that the allowed range for the linear galaxy bias, $b_1$, in each redshift bin (lower two rows), is almost halved with the addition of the weak lensing data. -This constraint does not arise, however, from the sensitivity of the galaxy-galaxy lensing observable to galaxy bias (shown to be relatively weak in the CS+GGL contours). -Instead, in this analysis, it is a result of the degeneracy breaking in the $\sigma_8$-$\Omega_{\rm m}$ plane, tightening constraints on $\sigma_8$ which, for galaxy clustering, is degenerate with galaxy bias. -The improved constraints on galaxy bias do not, however, fold through to improved constraints on $h$, which the weak lensing data adds very little information to. - - \begin{figure*} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{Parameter_Plots/cosmology/omegam_sigma8_s8_ns_h_a_baryon_a_ia_b1l_b1h_blind_C} @@ -52,6 +45,12 @@ \section{Results} \end{center} \end{figure*} +Fig.~\ref{fig:cosmology-params-all} displays the marginal posterior distributions for an extended set of cosmological parameters. +We find that the allowed range for the linear galaxy bias, $b_1$, in each redshift bin (lower two rows), is almost halved with the addition of the weak lensing data. +This constraint does not arise, however, from the sensitivity of the galaxy-galaxy lensing observable to galaxy bias (shown to be relatively weak in the CS+GGL contours). +Instead, in this analysis, it is a result of the degeneracy breaking in the $\sigma_8$-$\Omega_{\rm m}$ plane, tightening constraints on $\sigma_8$ which, for galaxy clustering, is degenerate with galaxy bias. +The improved constraints on galaxy bias do not, however, fold through to improved constraints on $h$, which the weak lensing data adds very little information to. + \begin{table*} \begin{center} \caption{The goodness-of-fit of the flat $\Lambda$CDM cosmological model to each of the single and joint probe combinations with cosmic shear, galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing (GGL).}