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In this project, I will demonstratesteps to train and deploy a Machine Learning model with a web interface.
Tools required:
- A server for inference: Cloud instances, or simply your powerful laptop.
- Data: EMNIST Balanced an extended version of MNIST with 131,600 characters, 47 balanced classes.
- PyTorch: To train the deep learning model.
- Docker: Make our life easier to create a container for our application.
- Flask: For API and user interface.
The steps are as follows:
- Prepare the docker image using Dockerfile.
- Get data and train the machine learning model on Colab.
- Show a simple inference example.
- Build the API and the user-interface
Now we need to think about how to “ship” our model. This what we call packaging. It is simply to put the inference steps together and have a simple API to use it later.
If you would like to deploy your model on a cloud provider, I would suggest using free heroku servers.(limitations apply). Lately they started supporting docker images to be deployted as applications.
Folow these steps:
heroku container:login
heroku create
heroku container:push web
heroku container:release web
heroku open