- uploading the cat images
- listing up to 50 of the uploaded images
- viewing the images in the modal on click
- favouriting the uploaded images
- upvoting and downvoting the images (supporting up to 10,000 votes)
- copy
in the root folder to.env
(it already contains my API KEY for your convenience, but you can use yours) - run
npm install
- run
npm start
(that will stary the dev build) - you can also run a production build by typing
npm run build
and then starting the server withserve -s build
needs to be installed in your system first)
- React
- Redux
- Redux-Saga
- typesafe-actions
- styled-components (with theming)
- Axios
- the entire functionality of the app is action-driven
- all the actions, reducers and the entire state are fully typed
- each request is retried 3 times before it throws an error
- redux-sagas are used for all the async operations
- single source of truth (the BE is the only source of truth, local state isn't used to avoid potential sync issues)
- the store contains only the data needed for the app to function
- all the logic required to transpile the responses sits within the sagas
The project is compatible and has been tested on:
- Google Chrome (last 2 versions)
- Apple Safari (last 2 versions)
- Mozilla Firefox (last 2 versions)
- Microsoft Edge (last 2 versions)
Internet Explorer 11 support is doable, but it would require a few polyfills and CSS changes. I decided that it's beyond the scope of this exercise.
- more tests (especially tests for sagas)
- deleting the images
- better error handling and loading state (nicer animations etc.)
- some action creators and saga helper functions could be wrapped in more generic functions to reduce the code repetition
- some types could possibly be unified and made more generic
- more consideration towards the SEO and accessibility
- proper error handling for the favourites and votes
is not the greatest API out there. E.g. the votes are terrible for the purpose I need them in the app. The endpoints require thelimit
attribute to be set, otherwise, they only return a single item. That's a serious limitation as I need all the votes to calculate the score and the number of votes grows exponentially.- I have limited the number of images to 50 and the number of votes to 10,000. For this reason, PLEASE DO NOT USE THE DEMO API KEY because the app will not work properly (the number of votes is astronomical and I only fetch 10,000). Please use my API KEY or get a fresh one.
- I use saga to trigger the file uploads. This is not entirely correct, as actions should only contain serialised data, but I decided to make that exception to keep things nice and consistent.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
Builds the app for production to the build