- Node.js 12+
- Vue 4.5+
- MongoDB
This is a web application for calculating fibonacci numbers and displaying all previous results. The front end is written in Vue.js as the Javascript framework and bootstrap for css styling, while the backend uses Node's Express.js server with mongoDB as the database. Click here to view the deployed website. But if you want to run the website locally, go to the "How to install and run locally" section.
git clone --branch dev https://github.com/chenterry85/Fibonacci-REST.git ./myproject
cd myproject
# npm dependencies for backend
npm install
npm update
# npm dependencies for Vue.js
cd client
npm install
npm update
# navigate back to main directory
cd ..
- Port:
- MongoDB's Database URI:
echo -e "PORT=5555\nDB_URI=mongodb+srv://mongouser:mongo6868@cluster0.ipnoi.mongodb.net/fib_db?retryWrites=true&w=majority" > .env
npm start
Open a new terminal session and in that new session run:
cd client
npm run serve