Package provides datasets in the domain of discrete optimization
Add the following dependency to your POM file:
The sample code below shows how to list all the TSP benchmarks:
Tsp.Instance[] instances = Tsp.Instance.values();
for(Tsp.Instance instance : instances){
TspBenchmark benchmark = Tsp.get(instance);
The sample code belows show how to obtain use the api of a TSP benchmark:
TspBenchmark benchmark = Tsp.get(Tsp.Instance.a280);
for(int v = 0; v < benchmark.size(); ++v){
System.out.println(benchmark.position(v)); // print the (x, y) coordinate of vertex v
for(int w = v+1; w < benchmark.size(); ++w) {
System.out.println(benchmark.distance(v, w)); // symmetric distance between vertices v and w
// optTour is the known optimal tour for which the last vertex is connected to the first vertex
for(Integer v : benchmark.optTour()){
System.out.println(benchmark.optCost()); // print the total distance of the known optimal tour