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134 lines (98 loc) · 4.59 KB

File metadata and controls

134 lines (98 loc) · 4.59 KB


Module creates Excel like Column Filters for Table. The filter list contains all the unique items present in every column. See image below for example.

alt text



You need to have react and react-dom as dependencies in your project.

  1. With npm installed, run
$ npm install react-table-filter --save
  1. At this point you can import react-table-filter and its styles in your application as follows:
import TableFilter from 'react-table-filter';

// Be sure to include styles at some point, probably during your bootstraping
// In JS
import react-table-filter/lib/styles.css;

// In SCSS
@import "path-to-node_modules/react-table-filter/lib/styles.css";

// Or directly import css
<link href="path-to-react-table-filter/lib/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />


  1. Wrap header columns (th / td) with TableFilter as shown below.
  <th filterkey="name">
  <th filterkey="season">
  <th filterkey="number">

Required Props on TableFilter

rows - Initial Array of Items

onFilterUpdate - Function called with updated filtered data when filters are added/removed. This function is used to show updated data by your application. Ex:

filterUpdated = (newData, filterConfiguration) => {
			"upddatedData": newData
Arguments Detail:
newData - Filtered Data to be used to show on UI
filterConfiguration - Current filters configuration.

filterConfiguration can be saved and be passed as prop(initialFilters) to TableFilter to maintain filter state while initializing the component.(In case user navigates away and comes back etc.)

Required Props on th/td (Header columns)

filterkey - The key by which that column is to be filtered(key as present in rows data)

Only the Columns with "filterkey" prop present will be considered for filtering.

Reset Items after Initialization

If you want to reset Items after component mount. Make a reference to TableFilter node and call reset method as shown below.

  ref={ (node) => {this.tableFilterNode = node;}>

this.tableFilterNode.reset(newData, resetFilters);
Arguments Detail:
newData - Data to reset
resetFilters(Default: true) - Boolean tells component to maintain/reset existing filters




Name Type Default Required Description
rows array true Items for the Filter
onFilterUpdate function(updatedData, filterConfiguration) true Function called with filtered data and updated filter configuration
rowClass string false Any additional class to be added to table row contaning header columns
initialFilters Array false Initial Filter configuration to be applied. Configuration is received as second argument for onFilterUpdate function
rowComponent Component Table Row Element false The columns headers will by default be placed inside Table Row Element. If rowComponent is passed it will be used. Any react component can be used.

TableFilter Ref Methods

Name Type Description
reset function(items, resetFilters=true) Function called to reset items after component has been mounted. You can choose to either reset current filters or not.

Cloumn Headers(td/th)

Name Type Default Required Description
filterkey string false Key by which the Column should be filtered(Key as present in single Item)
itemDisplayValueFunc function(itemValue) false Optional Function that returns the Value that is displayed in the filter list for each item(Default is the item value - Item[key])
itemSortValueFunc function(itemValue) false Optional Function that returns the Value that is used while sorting (Default is the item value - Item[key])
alignleft string "false" false Decides while side filter list should be aligned w.r.t Column. Allowed "true"/"false"
casesensitive string "false" false Case Sensitivity during sort. Allowed "true"/"false"
showsearch string "true" false Display/Hide the search input. Allowed "true"/"false"
