First install the mkdocs and mkdocs-matherial theme in your python virtual environment:
pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material
Then, navigate to the /mindsdb-docs
directory and start the server:
mkdocs serve
The documentation website will be avaiable at
The latest version shall be automaticly pushed and deployed after merge on master. If the CI/CD deploy failed, locally run:
mkdocs gh-deploy
All of the html files and assets will be pushed to the gh-pages branch and published on github pages.
The mindsdb-docs layout is as follows:
docs # Containes documentation source files
|__assets/ # Image and icons used in pages
| # All of the markdown files used as pages
├─ assets/
│ ├─ images/ # Images and icons
│ ├─ javascripts/ # JavaScript
│ └─ stylesheets/ # Stylesheets
├─ partials/
│ ├─ footer.html # Footer bar
├─ 404.html # 404 error page
├─ base.html # Base template
└─ main.html
.mkdocs.yml # Mkdocs configuration file
- Report a bug
- Improve documentation
- Propose new feature
- Fix typos