NC State Unviersity
CSC791: Automated Program Repair, Independent Study with Guoliang Jin
This project examines the impact of integrating automated program repair in computer science education. I developed a new project grading algorithm based on generated patches and evaluated it on introductory programming assignments from the IntroClass program repair benchmark. More details and my findings can be found in paper/project.pdf.
- git clone
- git clone (Follow instructions to build and make IntroClass)
- cd IntroClass/
- make
- cd ..
- cd auto-grader/
- git checkout -b CSC791
- Change the first line in to make BASE_PATH the path where IntroClass is stored locally
- Change Line 12 of to set BUGHUNT to the location where the SearchRepair results are stored (Patches not available to public)
- python
|----paper.pdf (Final report for CSC791 class)
|--------... (output files generated for each student containing no patch, automated patch, and human patch grades for each submission)
|--------grades.csv (csv file of all the grades calculated)
|--------project_data.csv (output containing grading data for the entire project i.e. average grade, number of each letter grade, etc.)
|----... (rest of IntroClass projects)
| (This document)
| (main python script)
| (functions for patch grading formula implementation)
| (defines a patch)
| (defines a student)