Note: If in need of a lightweight Linux distro, consider Xubuntu. An online Fedora 33 bash emulator can also be found at, although it does not contain all of the commands in this repository. For some sample bash networking scripts, see this repo.
1. bash Commands
Command | Purpose | Category |
apt-get | Package managing utility, such as for adding, removing, and updating packages. | Packages |
awk | [see 'gawk' command] Original interpreter of the AWK programming language. | Text |
blkid | Locates and prints block device attributes. | Drives/Devices |
cat | Concatenates files. Prints using standard output stream. | Text |
cd | Changes directory. | Files/Directories |
chgrp | Changes group ownership association. | Permissions |
chmod | Changes file permissions for users, groups, and others. | Permissions |
chown | Changes file owner and group owner. | Permissions |
compress | Reduces file size using Lempel-Ziv algorithmic logic. | Compression |
cp | Copies files and directories as specified. | Files/Directories |
cpio | Copies files in and out of archives via copy-in and copy-out modes. | Compression |
cron | Executes/runs commands as scheduled. | Processes |
curl | Utility to transfer data (URL) to/from a server. | Data Transfer |
cut | Removes specified sections from each text input line. | Files/Directories |
dd | Copies and converts files, and can backup disks. | Files/Directories |
df | Displays 'disk free'/space usage of filesystems. | Drives/Devices |
diff | Performs a line-by-line comparison of files. | Files/Directories |
dnf | 'Dandified YUM'. Package manager for Fedora, RHEL, and CentOS. | Packages |
du | Displays disk space usage for directories and files. | Drives/Devices |
echo | Displays strings using standard output stream. | Text |
exit | Invokes normal termination of process/task. | Processes |
fdisk | Utility for creating and modifying partition tables. | Drives/Devices |
file | Returns file data type. | Files/Directories |
find | Scans directory hierarchy for files. | Files/Directories |
ftp | Enables usage of File Transfer Protocol. | Data Transfer |
gawk | [see 'awk' command] The GNU implementation (for scanning and processing) of the AWK pattern programming language in GNU. | Text |
getfacl | Retrieves file names, owners, group owners, and Access Control List permissions. | Permissions |
grep | Searches input files for lines that match a specified pattern. | Text |
gunzip | Decompresses files generated by zip, gzip, compress, and pack. | Compression |
gzip | Reduces file size using the LZ77 lossless compression algorithm. | Compression |
head | Outputs first lines of file (10 by default). | Text |
history | (The GNU history command) Recalls commands previously entered in session. | Processes |
hwinfo | Displays information about system hardware. | Drives/Devices |
kill | Sends terminate signal to process/task. | Processes |
less | [see 'more' command] plus enables user to scroll backwards. | Text |
locate | Retrieves file (by file name). | Files/Directories |
ln | Creates links between files. | Files/Directories |
ls | Displays (lists) the contents of a specified directory. | Files/Directories |
lsblk | Displays information about block devices. | Drives/Devices |
make | Automation tool for recompiling parts of large programs by using makefiles. | Files/Directories |
man | Documentation for commands, functions, system calls, and other features. | Documentation |
mkdir | Creates directories. | Files/Directories |
more | Allows for paging through text output one screen at a time. | Text |
mount | Attaches file system of a drive to a target directory. | Drives/Devices |
mv | Moves/renames files (similar to a cut/paste of files). | Files/Directories |
nano | Launches the GNU nano text editor. | Text |
parted | Partitions and resizes disks. | Drives/Devices |
patch | Modifies file based on source (patch) file instructions produced by the diff utility. | Text |
ping | Sends an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST datagram to a specified destination. | Drives/Devices |
ps | Displays a report on currently running tasks/processes. | Processes |
pwd | Prints working directory to standard output stream. | Files/Directories |
rm | Deletes files or directories. | Files/Directories |
rpm | The Red Hat Packet Manager, commonly used in Red Hat distributions such as CentOS and Fedora. | Packages |
rmdir | Deleted empty directories. | Files/Directories |
rsync | A high-speed utility for remote file copying. | Data Transfer |
scp | Uses ssh data transfer and authentication for remote file copying. | Data Transfer |
sed | Filters and modifies input stream text. | Text |
setfacl | Sets Access Control List permissions for files and directories. | Permissions |
sftp | Enables usage of a secure file transfer protocol using SSH transport encryption. | Data Transfer |
sort | Arranges lines of text for display via the standard output stream. | Text |
ssh | Launches the SSH remote communication protocol. | Data Transfer |
sudo | Allows user to execute commands as the superuser (or another user). | Permissions |
tail | Outputs last lines of file (10 by default). | Text |
tac | Concatenates files. Prints (in reverse) using standard output stream. | Text |
tar | Creates compressed files as a single disk archive or tape, and extracts compressed files. | Compression |
tee | Reads from input stream and writes to output stream/files. | Text |
telnet | Launches user interface for the TELNET remote communication protocol. | Data Transfer |
top | Provides a realtime display of running tasks. | Processes |
touch | Creates blank files and updates file timestamps. | Files/Directories |
umount | Unattaches file system of a drive from a directory. | Drives/Devices |
uncompress | Decompresses files that were compressed by the compress utility. | Compression |
uniq | Detects and omits repeated adjacent lines. | Text |
unzip | [see 'zip' command] Unpackages ZIP files. | Compression |
vi | Launches the vi text editor. | Text |
wc | Outputs byte, word, and newline counts for files. | Text |
wget | HTTPS, HTTPS, and FTP utility for non-interactive web downloads. | Data Transfer |
whereis | Locates manuals and sources/binaries for files. | Files/Directories |
which | Displays absolute path of shell commands. | Files/Directories |
xz | Compresses/decompresses .lzma and .xz files. | Compression |
yum | 'Yellowdog Updater Modified'. A Red Hat based Package Manager. | Packages |
zcat | Displays contents of a compressed file to the command line. | Compression |
zip | Compresses/archives and packages files. PKZIP compatible. | Compression |
2. bash Keyboard Shortcuts
Shortcut | Purpose |
!! |
Runs the Previous Command |
CTRL + C |
Terminates a Command Process |
CTRL + L |
Clears the Terminal Screen |
CTRL + Z |
Stops (Suspends) a Command Process |
3. Nano Keyboard Shortcuts
Shortcut | Purpose | Category |
Ctrl + O |
Writes File with Specified Name | File Operations |
Ctrl + R |
Inserts Contents of a File | File Operations |
Ctrl + S |
Saves File | File Operations |
Ctrl + X |
Exits Nano Editor | File Operations |
bash Networking Scripts Overview Guide
TODO #1: Add a text file for each command, each including use cases and options/arguments.
TODO #2: Add keyboard shortcuts lists for bash terminal, Nano, and vim.