Replication of the paper Built to last or built too fast?: evaluating prediction models for build times [1].
Pull the data from TravisTorrent. To run our experiment, download and extract to the project root the data folder from this link.
Our designed logging system creates the following folders hierarchy: data for storing input files, logs for keeping the application logs on html format, models for saving Keras models as h5 files, output for storing different plots, statistics files and other content generated by the experiment. The logger needs a configuration file, config.txt, where it is needed to specify the input file name and selected features list. Both of this files must be placed on data folder and are present in the archieved data folder from the link above.
Run the script
in an Anaconda environment with additionally keras
and scikit-learn
[1] Bisong, E., Tran, E. and Baysal, O., 2017, May. Built to last or built too fast?: evaluating prediction models for build times. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (pp. 487-490). IEEE Press.