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Building the manual
The Charm++ manuals are written in reStructuredText (RST, http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html) and meant to be built with the Sphinx documentation generator (http://www.sphinx-doc.org/). Pre-built versions are available on readthedocs.io (https://charm.readthedocs.io).
This wiki describes how the documentation can be edited and built locally.
Sphinx supports building HTML and PDF versions of the manual. For the HTML version, only Sphinx is required. Creating the PDF manual requires a LaTeX (pdflatex) installation in addition to Sphinx.
$ pip install sphinx # Only needed once.
$ cd charm/doc
$ sphinx-build . html/ # HTML output is the default.
$ firefox html/index.html
Building the manual as a single PDF file:
$ pip install sphinx # Only needed once.
$ cd charm/doc
$ sphinx-build -b latex . pdf/
$ cd pdf
$ make
$ evince pdf/charm.pdf
Building only a single manual (Charm++ manual in this example):
$ cd doc/charm++
$ sphinx-build -b latex -C -Dmaster_doc=manual -Dproject=Charm++ -Dnumfig=1 . latex
$ cd latex
$ make
This section gives a brief overview of reStructuredText (RST) with the most important items for the Charm++ manual. A more comprehensive manual is available here: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html.
N.B.: This wiki entry itself is written in RST - take a look at the source if something is unclear.
- Item 1 - Item 2 ...
#. Item 1 #. Item 2 ...
Sections get defined by underlining their title:
Section name ============
- First level:
- Second level:
- Third level:
- Fourth level:
- Fifth level:
Length of the underline has to be the same as the title itself.
Inline code (similar to
): ``int foo()``:int foo();
- Code blocks (similar to
\begin{alltt} .. \end{alltt}
): -
- Automatic syntax highlighting (default language: C++):
:: int foo(); int bar();
- Specify language:
.. code-block:: fortran
instead of::
.. code-block:: fortran call foo() call bar()
- Automatic syntax highlighting (default language: C++):
charmci can also be specified as the language for ci-files.
- Code blocks (similar to
.. figure:: figures/detailedsim_newer.png :name: BigNetSim1 :width: 3.2in Figure caption goes here.
.. table:: Table caption goes here. :name: tableref ============= ==================== ======================================================== C Field Name Fortran Field Offset Use ============= ==================== ======================================================== maxResidual 1 If nonzero, termination criteria: magnitude of residual. maxIterations 2 If nonzero, termination criteria: number of iterations. solverIn[8] 3-10 Solver-specific input parameters. ============= ==================== ========================================================
Labels to refer to tables and figures are created by the :name:
property above.
Create labels for sections like this:
.. _my-label: Section ABCD ============
Section ABCD can now be referenced with my-label
(note the missing _
and :
in the reference).
- With number (best for figures & tables):
- With text:
(text will be taken from referenced item automatically) - With custom text:
:ref:`Custom text here <reference_name>`
https:// etc. get parsed as links automatically.
To add a new keyword or update how the syntax in CI files are highlighted, a pull request should be submitted to Pygments (https://github.com/pygments/pygments).
- Split each manual into multiple .rst files to simplify searching and editing.