This project is archived. Share your projects with the charm community in the Charm & Friends organization. You can include your project in the list or transfer ownership to the Charm & Friends org.
We hope this will help people find inspiration for new Go projects or to get ideas on how they can use our libraries.
This is an entirely community-driven repo for members of the community to share their project ideas. It can be something you want to build yourself or something you want to see built. You can PR your completed projects to be included in the repo.
- Create a discussion with a description of the project OR start building an idea that you find in a discussion.
- Build the project
- Create a pull request with the completed project
- Update PR to include the libraries you used to build it (using tags)
You're also welcome to contribute ideas without building them out. We recommend including which libraries might be used for the project so it's easier for potential contributors to find.
A project is considered complete when:
- It implements the minimum viable product for the idea
- It includes a
with screenshots or a GIF describing the application's behavior
We’d love to hear your thoughts on this project. Feel free to drop us a note!
Part of Charm.
Charm热爱开源 • Charm loves open source