Built on the shoulders of the giants that are:
- Chris Cowley
- Russell Marks
- Jack Raats
Thanks fellas.
- decompile a P file into its associated BASIC text
- dump variables and their content
- dump the SYSVARS
- remove a P file's auto-run
- force a P file to auto-run at a particular line number
- extract and insert arbitrary lines of code
mbp:zxtools charlie$ ./zxtool
ZX81 P-file Utility by SirMorris V1.5
Largely based on ZX81LIST (C) Jack Raats, Steenbergen 1992
ZXTool [p-file name] ([option]...[option])
vrb : verbose. Extra information is printed.
list : produce program listing.
vars : produce variable listing.
sysvars : produce system variable listing.
noauto : stop the program from auto-running.
auto=[line] : make the program auto-run from the specified line number.
extract=[line] : extract program line to temp.q
insert : insert/overwrite program line from temp.q
zxpand : use extended ZXpand+ BASIC tokens
If no options are specified, a listing is performed.
mbp:zxtools charlie$
- compile a text-based representation of a zeddy program into a standard P file
- allow development without line numbers, using a label-based system for GO(TO/SUB)
mbp:zxtools charlie$ ./zxtext2p -h
usage: zxtext2p [-h] [-i incr] [-l] [-o output-file] [-s line] [input-file]
-h show this help information.
-i in labels mode, set line number increment. (default = 2).
-l use labels rather than line numbers.
-o specify output file (default `out.p').
-s in labels mode, set starting line number (default = 10).
mbp:zxtools charlie$