You are currently on the MAIN branch.
This is the reop for COMP 3111 F23 project.
The project aims to build a maze chasing game using java.
The GUI is build using JavaFX .
The Unit Test uses JUnit-4 and TestFX .
In Game:
- Use W, S, A, D to control Jerry the mouse
- Your goal is to reach the cheese before Tom the cat caught you!
In Editor:
- Use your mouse to drag around or click on a block to place/ unplace it
- Drag the entry/ exit to move it
CHAN, Shu Pui (charlieop):
- Function: A + D
- In-game UI
LAM, Sum Ying (summyyyy):
- Function: C + D
- Index Page
Yip, Sau Lai (slyipae1):
- Function: B + D
- Game Audio
Here are the useful links:
Meeting Logs (
Class Diagram & Use Case Diagram (
Progress (github project)
Unit Test Case Report(Google Excel)