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596 lines (483 loc) · 24.3 KB

Tribolium castaneum transcriptomics pipeline developed for Koch et al. manuscript "Gene expression evolution is predicted by stronger selection at more pleiotropic genes"

This repository contains the complete transcriptomics pipeline, as well as post-analysis scripts, developed for Koch et al. manuscript "Gene expression evolution is predicted by stronger selection at more pleiotropic genes" ( The pipeline addresses various facets of the transcriptomics data obtained from the Tribolium castaneum laboratory adaptive experiment published in Koch & Guillaume (2020a), Koch & Guillaume (2020b) and Koch et al. (2020).

The pipeline was first designed to be deployed on the CSC computing farm. For this reason, parts of the code have been anonymized (e.g. to connect to the CSC servers).

Table of contents



To re-run the pipeline, please follow the steps below:

(1) Download the latest version of this repository on your local computer (here),

(2) Download the data.tar.gz file from, uncompress it and include it to the repository as following:

  ├── scripts
  ├── analyses
  ├── data




• Software:

  • PLINK 2.0,
  • GATK-,
  • samtools 1.14
  • picard-toolkit
  • bcftools-1.14
  • snpEff-5.1
  • Beagle-5.4
  • subread-2.0.3
  • GEMMA-0.98.5

• Programming languages:

  • Python3+
  • R
  • shell

• R-packages

  • tidyverse
  • cowplot
  • edgeR
  • limma
  • ggfortify
  • tibble

• Python libraries

  • swiftclient
  • paramiko

Description of the pipeline

  ├── scripts
  ├── analyses
  ├── data

The pipeline is splitted in three main folders:

  • scripts: This folder contains all the specific -omics tasks to build the data that will be used for higher-level analyses. This includes e.g. variants detection, eQTLs analysis, calculation of AFCs, etc.
  • analyses: This folder contains higher-level analyses.
  • data: This folder contains all the data produced by the pipeline. This folder is not included in the repository as it is too large to be handled by Github. It must be dowloaded separately.


  └── scripts
       ├── 1_BAM_files_reorganization
       ├── 2_variant_call
       ├── 3_select_population
       ├── 4_genotype_imputation
       ├── 5_AFCs
       ├── 6_read_counts
       ├── 7_phenotypes
       └── 8_eQTLs

Transcriptomics tasks are separated into folders and numbered for clarity. For each task, the scripts are also numbered in the order of their execution, and are split between local (local folder) and HPC (hpc folder).

Sometimes, a shell script is also available to run all local scripts in the right order (see below). HPC scripts are designed for the CSC computing farm. The user must update the code before deployment on a computer farm.

📂 Reorganizing BAM files

  └── scripts
       └── 1_BAM_files_reorganization
            └── local
                 ├── 2_SplitBamMap.R

The objective here is to parse the original BAM files source, re-organize them, make some adjustements and extract information.

Associated data folder(s): ./data/tribolium_bam.

⚙️ (local):

This script parses the original BAM files folder and extract the information in the form of a table ./data/tribolium_bam/bam_map.csv.

⚙️ 2_SplitBamMap.R (local):

This script splits the file bam_map.csv into many sample subsets, depending on the reference genome, the environment, the line or the generation. All files are stored in ./data/tribolium_bam folder. Sample files will be used all along the pipeline.

⚙️ (local):

This script parses every BAM files to check the absence of the "read group" entry ("RG" label).

⚙️ (local):

This script relocates BAM files from the original hard-drive for further analysis. Ultimately, BAM files are transfered to a distant server with an independent script.

flowchart LR
subgraph local
direction LR
A[("Source<br/>BAMs")] --> B("<br/>(local)")
B --> C[("BAM<br/>map")]
C --> D("2_SplitBamMap.R<br/>(local)")
D --> E[("Samples")]
E --> F("<br/>(local)")
A[("Source<br/>BAMs")] --> F
E --> G("<br/>(local)")
A[("Source<br/>BAMs")] --> G
G --> H[("Ready for<br/>analysis<br/>BAMs")]

📂 Variants detection

  └── scripts
       └── 2_variant_call
            └── hpc
            └── local

This task performs a variant call on the entire transcriptomic data (version Tcas3.30 of T. castaneum genome). It uses various software and ultimately produces a filtered VCF file containing raw SNPs. This raw SNPs VCF file is stored in ./data/tribolium_vcf/Tribolium_castaneum_ALL_Tcas3.30.vcf.gz.

Associated data folder(s): ./data/tribolium_vcf.

⚙️ (HPC):

This script pre-processes BAM files by (in this order):

  • Importing the unedited BAM file from the distant server,
  • Importing the reference genome and generate indices,
  • Adding the read group,
  • Uncompressing the BAM file to SAM,
  • Editing the SAM file to recalibrate MAPQ values (255 --> 60),
  • Compressing edited SAM file to BAM,
  • Copying a version of the BAM file to mark duplicates,
  • Generating BAI index file,
  • Handling splicing events,
  • Exporting edited BAM files to the distant server.

⚙️ (HPC):

This script uses marked duplicates BAM files to run the complete pipeline for per-sample variant call by (in this order):

  • Importing the BAM file from the distant server,
  • Importing the reference genome and generate indexes,
  • Generating BAI index file,
  • Running GATK HaplotypeCaller. This task can take several hours,
  • Exporting GVCF files to the distant server.

⚙️ (HPC):

This script runs the complete pipeline for the join call by (in this order):

  • Generating GenomicsDB database by:
    • Importing the list of samples,
    • Importing all GVCFs from the distant server,
    • Importing the reference genome from the distant server and compute index files,
    • Generating the sample map,
    • Generating the interval list,
    • Running GATK GenomicsDBImport,
    • Exporting the database to the scratch.
  • Performing the joint-call cohort by:
    • Importing the consolidated database from the scratch if needed,
    • Running GATK GenotypeGVCFs,
    • Exporting the joint-call file (VCF) to a local server.

⚙️ (local):

This script selects bi-allelic SNP variants from the original VCF file by (in this order):

  • Selecting bi-allelic SNP variants,
  • Tagging DP=0 genotypes as missing (./.),
  • Filtering out low quality SNPs,
  • Annotating SNPs,
  • Adding SNP unique identifiers.

➡️ Local script to run with the shell script

flowchart TB
subgraph HPC
direction LR
A[("Unedited<br/>BAMs")] --> B("<br/>(HPC)")
B --> C[("Edited<br/>BAMs")]
C --> D("<br/>(HPC)")
D --> E[("GVCFs")]
E --> F("<br/>(HPC)")
F --> G[("VCF")]
subgraph local
direction LR
H("<br/>(local)") --> I[("bi-allelic SNPs<br/>VCF")]
HPC --> |"Download<br/>VCF"| local

📂 Selecting populations

  └── scripts
       └── 3_select_population
            └── local

This task is a general function which splits population-level files (VCF or read counts) into sub-population files on user request. This function is used in further tasks involving sub-population analyses.

Associated data folder(s): ./data/tribolium_snp, ./data/tribolium_counts.

⚙️ (local):

This script selects a sub-population of samples based on a sample list (see section 3.1.1) by selecting the subset of samples in a VCF file or a read counts file.

⚙️ (local):

This script filters SNPs based on genotype coverage by (in this order):

  • Filtering genotypes based on F_MISSING,
  • Removing non-variant SNPs,
  • Removing LOWQUAL SNPs.

⚙️ (local):

This script extracts VCF statistics into a text table.

➡️ 5 pipelines are available for the selection of VCF sub-populations:

  • Select ALL genotypes for Beagle imputation pipeline,
  • Select CT-G1 imputed genotypes for the eQTLs analysis,
  • Select HD-G1 imputed genotypes for the eQTLs analysis,
  • Separate imputed genotypes into lines and generations for the AFC pipeline,
  • Select CT/HD-G1 genotypes for the lep-MAP3 pipeline.
flowchart LR
subgraph local
direction LR
A[("VCF")] --> B("<br/>(local)")
B --> C("<br/>(local)")
C --> D("<br/>(local)")
D --> E[("Sub-population<br/>VCF")]


flowchart LR
subgraph local
direction LR
A[("Read<br/>counts")] --> B("<br/>(local)")
B --> C[("Sub-population<br/>read<br/>counts")]

📂 Genotype imputation

  └── scripts
       └── 4_genotype_imputation
            └── local

This task imputes missing genotypes on the global VCF file (including all samples) using Beagle software. It is also possible to run a test to evaluate the quality of genotype imputations.

Associated data folder(s): ./data/tribolium_snp.

⚙️ (local):

This script extracts from the raw VCF file all the markers with a 100% call rate (i.e without missing genotypes). The dataset is saved in binary format in ./data/tribolium_snp/imputation_tests.

⚙️ (local):

This script tests imputation capabilities of Beagle with toy datasets. Test results are saved in ./data/tribolium_snp/imputation_tests.

⚙️ (local):

Imputes genotypes of the VCF file with Beagle.

➡️ Local script to run with the shell script

flowchart LR
subgraph "local (benchmark)"
direction LR
B("<br/>(local)") --> C("<br/>(local)")
C --> D[("Imputation<br/>success rate")]
subgraph "local (main pipeline)"
direction LR
E("<br/>(local)") --> F[("Imputed<br/>VCF")]
A[("VCF")] --> B
A --> E

📂 Allelic frequency changes (AFCs)

  └── scripts
       └── 5_AFCs
            └── local
                 ├── 1_MergeAFs.R
                 ├── 2_ComputeAFCs.R
                 ├── 3_SplitAFCs.R
                 └── 4_PlotAFCDistributions.R

This task computes AFCs per line and environment and splits the resulting dataset by line for further analyses.

Associated data folder(s): ./data/tribolium_afc.

⚙️ 1_MergeAFs.R (local):

This script merges and saves allelic frequencies.

⚙️ 2_ComputeAFCs.R (local):

This script computes AFCs and saves the result.

⚙️ 3_SplitAFCs.R (local):

This script Split AFCs by line and environment and saves the result.

⚙️ 4_PlotAFCDistributions.R (local):

Optional script to display AFCs distibutions.

flowchart LR
subgraph "local"
direction LR
A[("SNPs<br/>table")] --> B("1_MergeAFs.R<br/>(local)")
B --> C("2_ComputeAFCs.R<br/>(local)")
C --> D("3_SplitAFCs.R<br/>(local)")
D --> E[("AFCs<br/>per line<br/>and environment")]

📂 Preparing read counts

  └── scripts
       └── 6_read_counts
            └── hpc
            └── local
                 ├── 3_TransformReadCounts.R
                 ├── 4_DetectLowExpressedTranscripts.R
                 └── 5_StandardizeReadCounts.R

This task handles BAM files (without marked duplicates) to perform a reads count. The final output is a text file containing read counts for every called samples.

Associated data folder(s): ./data/tribolium_counts.

⚙️ (HPC):

This script calculates feature counts for every individual samples by (in this order):

  • Importing subread package and compile it,
  • Importing reference genome annotation,
  • Importing the list of samples,
  • For each BAM file, if the read counts file does not exist:
    • Running subread FeatureCounts,
    • Exporting resulting files to the distant server.

⚙️ (HPC):

This script merges feature counts from every individual samples by (in this order):

  • Importing the list of samples and all read counts,
  • Mergeing read counts in a single file,
  • Exporting the resulting file to the distant server.

⚙️ 3_TransformReadCounts.R (local):

This script transforms a gene expression dataset by filtering it, calculating the TMM normalization, and removing run, batch and line effects.

⚙️ 4_DetectLowExpressedTranscripts.R (local):

This script detects low expressed transcripts and save the list of expressed ones.

⚙️ 5_StandardizeReadCounts.R (local):

This script standardizes a gene expression dataset by quantile normalization.

⚙➡️ Local scripts to run with the shell script

flowchart TB
subgraph HPC
direction LR
A[("BAMs")] --> B("<br/>(HPC)")
B --> C[("Per-sample<br/>read counts")]
C --> D("<br/>(HPC)")
D --> E[("Global<br/>read counts")]
subgraph local
direction LR
F("3_TransformReadCounts.R<br/>(local)") --> H[("Transformed<br/>read counts")]
G("4_DetectLowExpressedTranscripts.R<br/>(local)") --> I[("Expressed<br/>reads")]
H --> J("5_StandardizeReadCounts.R<br/>(local)")
I --> J
J --> K[("Standardized<br/>read counts")]
HPC --> |"Download<br/>read counts"| local

📂 Preparing phenotypes

  └── scripts
       └── 7_phenotypes
            └── local
                 └── 2_ComputeRelativeFitness.R

This task uses ready-to-use gene expression data to compute various phenotypes, including relative fitness. Calculated phenotypes will be used in further analyses, e.g. eQTLs.

Associated data folder(s): ./data/tribolium_phenotypes.

⚙️ (local):

This script copies ready-to-use expression files to the folder ./data/tribolium_phenotypes/.

⚙️ 2_ComputeRelativeFitness.R (local):

This script computes relative fitnesses per line for CT and HD individuals (G1).

flowchart LR
subgraph "local"
direction LR
A[("read<br/>counts")] --> B("<br/>(local)")
B --> C[("Normalized<br/>gene expression")]
G[("Fitness<br/>measurements")] --> H("4_ComputeRelativeFitness.R<br/>(local)")
H --> I[("Relative<br/>fitnesses")]

📂 eQTLs

  └── scripts
       └── 8_eQTLs
            └── hpc
                 └── 4_CollectSignificantEQTLs.R
            └── local
                 ├── EditFam.R
                 ├── MergeEQTLsDatasets.R
                 ├── ComputeCorrelationToFitness.R

This task runs GWAAs on various phenotypes using GEMMA software to detect significant eQTLs at genome-scale.

Associated data folder(s): ./data/tribolium_eqtl.

⚙️ (local):

This script generates input files necessary to the GWAA with GEMMA software:

  • .bed and .bim files using plink2,
  • .fam and .pheno files using the script EditFam.R. Files are generated at once for all the phenotypes (expression, plasticity, noise and fitness).

⚙️ (local):

This script exports all the input files (.bed, .bim, .fam and .pheno) to the distant storage server.

⚙️ (HPC maintenance script):

This maintenance script checks if GEMMA output files are missing after a HPC job.

⚙️ (HPC maintenance script):

This maintenance script delete GEMMA output files to prevent duplicates before a new run.

⚙️ (HPC):

This script runs GWAAs on a given number of phenotypes by (in this order):

  • Importing GEMMA software and datasets from the distant server,
  • Calculating the kinship matrix,
  • Running GEMMA on the right set of phenotypes,
  • Converting the output to RDS format,
  • Exporting resulting files to the distant server.

⚙️ 4_CollectSignificantEQTLs.R (HPC independent script):

This script collect significant eQTLs in a dedicated file. Two steps are applied to filter significant eQTLs: Collect all significant eQTL associations given a p-value threshold.

  • Genomic correction is applied and the FDR is calculated,
  • eQTLs with a p-value < 0.05 are selected.

⚙️ (local):

This script downloads significant eQTL files from the distant server, based on a list of phenotypes.

⚙️ ` (local):

This pipeline collect and merge significant eQTLs with additional information such as gene position ( script) and gene and phenotype annotations (MergeEQTLsDatasets.R script). All phenotypes (expression, plasticity, noise and fitness) are treated at once. This script also calculates the correlation to fitness of every phenotypes (ComputeCorrelationToFitness.R script).

flowchart TB
subgraph sg1["local (1)"]
direction LR
A[("Selected<br/>phenotypes")] --> B("<br/>(local)")
C[("Reference<br/>genome")] --> B
B --> D[(".bed")]
B --> E[(".bim")]
B --> F[(".fam")]
B --> G[(".pheno")]
subgraph sg2["HPC"]
direction LR
H("<br/>(HPC)") --> I("4_CollectSignificantEQTLs.R<br/>(HPC)")
I --> J[("Significant<br/>eQTLs")]
subgraph sg3["local (2)"]
direction LR
K("<br/>(local)") --> L[("Annotated<br/>significant<br/>eQTLs")]
sg1 --> |"Upload<br/>input files<br/>("| sg2
sg2 --> |"Download<br/>output files<br/>("| sg3


Analysis pipelines are related to manuscripts under preparation and will be displayed and described here later.

Koch et al. analysis is located in the folder indirect_selection_analysis, and is organized as following:

  └── indirect_selection_analysis
       ├── scripts: contains the analysis scripts
            └── 1_BuildDatasets.R: build datasets based on the pipeline outputs
            ├── 2_ShowStatistics.R: display some statistics about the data
            └── 3_GenerateFigures.R: generate manuscript figures
       ├── data: contains all the datasets generated during the analysis
       └── plots: contains the generated figures for the manuscript


  └── data
       ├── experiment_data: contains various gathered experimental data
       ├── tribolium_afc: contains the result of AFCs calculations
       ├── tribolium_bam: contains BAM files and sample information
       ├── tribolium_counts: contains read counts datasets
       ├── tribolium_eqtl: contains significant eQTLs for all phenotypes
       ├── tribolium_filters: contains various VCF filters
       ├── tribolium_genome: contains annotated genomes
       ├── tribolium_pedigree: contains pedigrees related to the family stucture of the population
       ├── tribolium_phenotypes: contains calculated phenotypes
       ├── tribolium_snp: contains VCF files containing bi-allelic variant SNPs
       └── tribolium_vcf: contains the raw VCF file obtained from the variant call


Copyright © 2021-2024 Charles Rocabert, Eva L. Koch, Frédéric Guillaume. All rights reserved.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see