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T-book Web Service API

Our Web Service API provides users with fast and reliable access to T-book data. You can use the T-book Web Service API to retrieve and manage T-book content.

If you have any issues or queries, please contact Esther Lévy

Getting Started

This section describes how to access our Web Service API.


First, you need to generate your API credentials :

  • Login to your T-book client account
  • Go to the API section. If you can't find this section, please contact us, we will grant you access.
  • On the API page of your account, you will find your Client ID, and will be able to generate your Client Secret. BEWARE : you will only be able to see your Client Secret this one time! Store precautiously your credentials, they will be needed in any request to the API. You will however be able to regenerate your Client Secret if needed.

Note : Your Client Secret is confidential. Avoid storing it in plain text.


All paths in the documentation are relative to the base API url.


The access to the API is private. Therefore, you need to provide a JSON Web Token (JWT) as a mean of authentication. Tokens can be obtained by using the token endpoint with your API credentials.


Replace your Client ID and Client Secret with your credentials

curl -X POST /token \
  -F grant_type= client_credential \
  -F client_id= Your_Client_Id \
  -F client_secret= Your_Client_Secret \


A successful token response may look like the following


Error codes

Our API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general: Codes in the 2xx range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, etc.). Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with our servers (seldom).

  "error": {
    "code": "code",
    "message": "message"
HTTP status Code Description
200 ok Everything worked as expected.
400 bad_request The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
401 unauthorized No valid API key provided.
402 request_failed The parameters were valid but the request failed.
403 forbidden The requested data is not accessible to you.
404 not_found The requested resource doesn't exist.
405 method_not_allowed The HTTP method used isn't supported for this endpoint.
409 conflict The request conflicts with another request (perhaps due to using the same idempotent key).
429 too_many_requests Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests.
500, 502, 503, 504 server_errors Something went wrong on our end.


Client & Entities

All resources (student, courses etc.) are attached to an entity. The client can administrate its entities. The client can have one or several entities.

Get client

curl -X GET /getClient \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer your_access_token' \

Response example

  "name":"Client Name",
  "description":"Nam ut risus a velit lobortis egestas convallis at dolor",
  "address":"2 avenue Charles de Gaulle",

Create new entity

Not available yet

Get all entities

curl -X GET /getEntities \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer your_access_token' \

Response example

		"name":"Entity Name",
		"description":"Nam ut risus a velit lobortis egestas convallis at dolor",
		"address":"2 avenue Charles de Gaulle",

Get one entity

curl -X GET /getEntity/:entityID \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer your_access_token' \

Response example

	"name":"Entity Name",
	"description":"Nam ut risus a velit lobortis egestas convallis at dolor",
	"address":"2 avenue Charles de Gaulle",


Learners are attached to one entity.

Get all learners

To retrieve all the learners of a client

curl -X GET /getAllLearners \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer your_access_token' \

To retrieve all the learners of an entity

curl -X GET /getAllLearners/:entityID \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer your_access_token' \

Response example

		"learnerID": "1",
		"login" : "",
		"entity": {
			"entityName":"Entity n°1"
		"civility": "m",
		"lastname": "Doe",
		"firstname": "John",
		"code" : "23563",
		"jobTitle": "Communication officer",
		"seniority": "3",
		"level": "Master",
		"contactEmail": [""],
		"phone": "+33600000000",
		"filter": ["Session 1", "May 2018"],
		"location": ["Paris"],
		"country": ["France"],

Get one learner

You have two different ways to get a learner information. The easiest way is the first one, a GET request where you only have to pass our learner's ID :

curl -X GET /getOneLearner/:learnerID \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer your_access_token' \

You can also use a POST request, that enables you to select a learner with 3 different options (email, learnerId, externalId) :

curl -X POST /getOneLearner \
  -F 'identifierType=email' \
  -F '' \

Response example

	"learnerID": "1",
	"login" : "",
	"entity": {
		"entityName":"Entity n°1"
	"civility": "m",
	"lastname": "Doe",
	"firstname": "John",
	"code" : "23563",
	"jobTitle": "Communication officer",
	"seniority": "3",
	"level": "Master",
	"contactEmail": [""],
	"phone": "+33600000000",
	"filter": ["Session 1", "May 2018"],
	"location": ["Paris"],
	"country": ["France"],

Insert a learner

curl -X POST /insertLearner \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer your_access_token' \
  -F 'entity[identifier]=24' \
  -F 'entity[create]=true' \
  -F '' \
  -F 'password=1F0k7h6g' \
  -F 'civility=mme' \
  -F 'lastname=Doe' \
  -F 'firstname=Jane' \
  -F 'code=23563' \
  -F 'jobTitle=Communication Manager' \
  -F 'seniority=3' \
  -F 'level=Master' \
  -F 'contactEmail[0]' \
  -F 'contactEmail[1]' \
  -F 'phone=+33600000000' \
  -F 'filter[0]=Session 1' \
  -F 'filter[1]=May 2018' \
  -F 'location[0]=Paris' \
  -F 'country[0]=France' \
  -F 'testUser=0' \
  -F 'externalID=23' \
  -F 'assignation=0' \
  -F 'sendingConnectionEmail=0' \


Name Required Type Description
entity[identifier] true int/string The ID (int) or name (string) of the entity. Refer to the entity section
entity[create] false int Default : false. Options are : 0 (false) , 1 (true). If entity[identifier] is a string, and entity[create] is true, then the entity will be created when it doesn't exist.
login true string Your learner's login. E-mail format, has to be unique.
password false string Automatically generated if left blank
civility true string Options are : m , mme
lastname true string Lastname
firstname true string Firstname
code false string Optionnal. Alpha-numeric code.
jobTitle false string Job title
seniority false string Seniority
level false string Degree level
contactEmail[x] false string Contact e-mail(s)
phone false string Phone number
filter[x] false string Filters can help you attach a learner to a session. Refer to the Session section
location[x] false string Locations can help you attach a learner to a session. Refer to the Session section
country[x] false string Country
testUser false int Default : 0. Options are : 0 (false) , 1 (true). If true, this user's data will not be taken into account in the global stats
externalID false int The user's ID on your platform. Required if you want to connect your user using the ID option.
assignation false int Default : 0. Options are : 0 (false) , 1 (true). If set to 1, the learner, once created, will automatically be assigned to the course(s) corresponding the the learner's filter(s) and location(s).
sendingConnectionEmail false int Default : 0. Options are : 0 (false) , 1 (true). If set to 1, the learner, once created, will receive his login details (e-mail & password) by e-mail.

Update learner informations

curl -X POST /updateLearner \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer your_access_token' \
  -F 'identifierType=email' \
  -F '' \
  -F 'password=1F0k7h6g' \
  -F 'civility=mme' \
  -F 'lastname=Doe' \
  -F 'firstname=Jane' \
  -F 'code=23563' \
  -F 'jobTitle=Communication Manager' \
  -F 'seniority=3' \
  -F 'level=Master' \
  -F 'contactEmail[0]' \
  -F 'contactEmail[1]' \
  -F 'phone=+33600000000' \
  -F 'filter[0]=Session 1' \
  -F 'filter[1]=May 2018' \
  -F 'location[0]=Paris' \
  -F 'country[0]=France' \
  -F 'testUser=0' \
  -F 'externalID=23' \
  -F 'assignation=0' \


All parameters are optional. We will only update the parameters that are posted. filter[x], location[x] and country[x] will be added to the learner's existing Filters and Locations

Name Required Type Description
identifierType true string Default : email. Options are : email, learnerId, externalId. learnerId and externalId are integers. learnerId is teh learner's id on our application and externalId is a parameter that was added when the learner was created (Refer to the Insert a learner).
identifier true string Your learner's identifier, depends on identifierType.
password false string Password
civility false string Options are : m , mme
lastname false string Lastname
firstname false string Firstname
code false string Optionnal. Alpha-numeric code.
jobTitle false string Job title
seniority false string Seniority
level false string Degree level
contactEmail[x] false string Contact e-mail(s)
phone false string Phone number
filter[x] false string Filters can help you attach a learner to a session. It will be added to the learner's existing Filters. Refer to the Session section
location[x] false string Locations can help you attach a learner to a session. It will be added to the learner's existing Locations. Refer to the Session section
country[x] false string It will be added to the learner's existing Country.
testUser false int Default : 0. Options are : 0 (false) , 1 (true). If true, this user's data will not be taken into account in the global stats
externalID false int The user's ID on your platform. Required if you want to connect your user using the ID option.
assignation false int Default : 0. Options are : 0 (false) , 1 (true). If set to 1, the learner will automatically be assigned to the course(s) corresponding the the learner's filter(s) and location(s).

Remove a learner from Session

curl -X POST /removeLearnerSession \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer your_access_token' \
  -F 'identifierType=email' \
  -F '' \
  -F 'filter=Session 1' \
  -F 'location=Paris' \


Name Required Type Description
identifierType true string Default : email. Options are : email, learnerId, externalId. learnerId and externalId are integers. learnerId is teh learner's id on our application and externalId is a parameter that was added when the learner was created (Refer to the Insert a learner).
identifier true string Your learner's identifier, depends on identifierType.
filter true string The filter of the session that the learner should be removed from. Refer to the Session section
location true string The location of the session that the learner should be removed from. Refer to the Session section

Users authentification

We provide two types of user authentification : login & ID.

Login : the unique e-mail-formatted login, sent during the Insert User request. Note that this login can never be modified on our platform.

ID : the externalID field optionnally sent during the Insert User request. The user's ID on your platform.

curl -X POST /authToken \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer your_access_token' \
  -F 'userType=1' \
  -F 'connectionType=login' \
  -F '' \
  -F 'errorUrl=' \


Name Required Type Description
userType true int Options are : 1 (learner), 2 (teacher)
connectionType true string Options are : login, id.
identifier true string If connectionType == login, then enter the user's login (e-mail format). If connectionType == id, then enter the ID attached to the user on your platform
errorUrl true string The redirection url if the request generated an error

Response example

	"success": "1",
	"authentificationUrl" : "",

Then, redirect the user to the authentificationUrl. He will be connected to the T-book platform. This link expires after 60 seconds.

In the event of a problem, we will redirect the user to the errorUrl.

Learning Tools Interoperability - LTI

You can use LTI as a SSO system. To do so, you should send your data to a launch URL (as described below). If the user already exists, he will be connected seamlessly, else, he will be created on our platform and connected.

N.B. : We do not use the Ressource ID field, as we use LTI to access a platform and not a particular context.

Registration settings

Launch URL :

Consumer key & Shared secret : please refer to the Prerequisites section.

Warning : your Shared Secret is the one below the Client Secret, following the For LTI mention.

Custom parameters

You should add to the custom parameters field a json string, in a variable named custom_data, as below.

Name Required Type Description
entityID true int The ID of the entity. Refer to the entity section
connectionType true string Options are : login or id (we will use the externalID)
login true string Your learner's login. E-mail format, has to be unique.
externalID false int The user's ID on your platform. Required if you want to connect your user using the ID option.
password false string Automatically generated if left blank
civility true string Options are : m , mme
lastname true string Lastname
firstname true string Firstname
code false string Optionnal. Alpha-numeric code.
jobTitle false string Job title
seniority false string Seniority
level false string Degree level
contactEmail false string Contact e-mail(s)
phone false string Phone number
filter false string Filters can help you attach a learner to a session. Refer to the Session section
location false string Locations can help you attach a learner to a session. Refer to the Session section
country false string Country
testUser false int Default : 0. Options are : 0 (false) , 1 (true). If true, this user's data will not be taken into account in the global stats
assignation false int Default : 0. Options are : 0 (false) , 1 (true). If set to 1, the learner, once created, will automatically be assigned to the course(s) corresponding the the learner's filter(s) and location(s).

Custom parameters example

Please minify your json

data = 
	"connectionType": "id",
	"login": "",
	"externalID": "2390",
	"password": "#thepass#",
	"civility": "m",
	"lastname": "Doe",
	"firstname": "John",
	"code" : "23563",
	"jobTitle": "Communication officer",
	"seniority": "3",
	"level": "Master",
	"contactEmail": ["",""],
	"phone": "+33600000000",
	"filter": ["Session 1", "May 2018"],
	"location": ["Paris"],
	"country": ["France"],

Debug option

If you need a debug option for your tests, you can associate the value 1 to the custom_debug field. We will display your request.


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