diff --git a/syzygy/operations.py b/syzygy/operations.py
index a30e720..3f2bd0a 100644
--- a/syzygy/operations.py
+++ b/syzygy/operations.py
@@ -425,9 +425,9 @@ def _create_instead_of_triggers(schema_editor, view_name, model):
-    def _get_view_name(app_label, alias_name):
+    def _get_truncated_name(app_label: str, name: str) -> str:
         return truncate_name(
-            "%s_%s" % (app_label, alias_name.lower()),
+            f"{app_label}_{name.lower()}",
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ def _create_view(cls, schema_editor, model, alias_name):
         # XXX: Explicitly use connection to retrieve ops.max_name_length() and
         # not schema_editor.connection as Django systematically use the default
         # connection (see https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/13528).
-        view_name = cls._get_view_name(model._meta.app_label, alias_name)
+        view_name = cls._get_truncated_name(model._meta.app_label, alias_name)
         quote = schema_editor.quote_name
             "CREATE VIEW {} AS SELECT * FROM {}".format(
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ def alias_model(cls, schema_editor, model, alias_name):
         cls._create_view(schema_editor, model, alias_name)
     def unalias_model(cls, schema_editor, model, alias_name):
-        view_name = cls._get_view_name(model._meta.app_label, alias_name)
+        view_name = cls._get_truncated_name(model._meta.app_label, alias_name)
         for many_to_many in model._meta.local_many_to_many:
             through = many_to_many.remote_field.through
             if through._meta.auto_created:
@@ -539,14 +539,40 @@ class RenameAliasedModel(AliasOperationMixin, operations.RenameModel):
     stage = Stage.POST_DEPLOY
     def state_forwards(self, app_label, state):
-        state.remove_model(app_label, self.new_name)
+        state.remove_model(app_label, self.new_name_lower)
         super().state_forwards(app_label, state)
     def database_forwards(self, app_label, schema_editor, from_state, to_state):
-        to_model = to_state.apps.get_model(app_label, self.new_name)
-        if not self.allow_migrate_model(schema_editor.connection.alias, to_model):
+        from_model = from_state.apps.get_model(app_label, self.old_name)
+        if not self.allow_migrate_model(schema_editor.connection.alias, from_model):
-        self.unalias_model(schema_editor, to_model, self.alias_name)
+        if schema_editor.connection.vendor == "mysql":
+            quote_name = schema_editor.quote_name
+            old_name = self._get_truncated_name(app_label, self.old_name)
+            new_name = self._get_truncated_name(app_label, self.new_name)
+            defunct_name = self._get_truncated_name(
+                app_label, f"{self.new_name}_defunct"
+            )
+            schema_editor.execute(
+                "RENAME TABLE %s TO %s, %s TO %s, %s TO %s"
+                % (
+                    quote_name(new_name),
+                    quote_name(defunct_name),
+                    quote_name(old_name),
+                    quote_name(new_name),
+                    quote_name(defunct_name),
+                    quote_name(old_name),
+                )
+            )
+            # Simulate that the `from_state` already had the proper `db_table`
+            # assigned to prevent super() from attempting a RENAME.
+            from_state = from_state.clone()
+            from_state.models[app_label, self.old_name_lower].options[
+                "db_table"
+            ] = new_name
+            from_state.apps.clear_cache()
+            from_state.reload_model(app_label, self.old_name_lower)
+        self.unalias_model(schema_editor, from_model, self.old_name)
         super().database_forwards(app_label, schema_editor, from_state, to_state)
     def database_backwards(self, app_label, schema_editor, from_state, to_state):
@@ -557,4 +583,4 @@ def database_backwards(self, app_label, schema_editor, from_state, to_state):
         self.alias_model(schema_editor, from_model, self.alias_name)
     def describe(self):
-        return f"Rename model {self.name} to {self.alias_name}"
+        return f"Rename model {self.old_name} to {self.new_name}"
diff --git a/tests/test_operations.py b/tests/test_operations.py
index 8df668e..7e6c1ea 100644
--- a/tests/test_operations.py
+++ b/tests/test_operations.py
@@ -559,3 +559,26 @@ def test_elidable(self):
             operations, [migrations.RenameModel(model_name, new_model_name)]
+class RenameAliasedModelTests(OperationTestCase):
+    def _apply_forwards(self):
+        model_name = "TestModel"
+        new_model_name = "NewTestModel"
+        field = models.IntegerField()
+        pre_state = self.apply_operations(
+            [
+                migrations.CreateModel(model_name, [("foo", field)]),
+                AliasModel(model_name, new_model_name),
+            ]
+        )
+        post_state = self.apply_operations(
+            [
+                RenameAliasedModel(model_name, new_model_name),
+            ],
+            pre_state,
+        )
+        return (pre_state, model_name), (post_state, new_model_name)
+    def test_database_forward(self):
+        (pre_state, _), (post_state, new_model_name) = self._apply_forwards()