diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/Dockerfile b/LowCodeLLM/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6633a00a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+FROM ubuntu:22.04
+RUN apt-get -y update
+RUN apt-get install -y git python3.11 python3-pip supervisor
+RUN pip3 install --upgrade pip
+RUN pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
+RUN ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
+COPY src/requirements.txt requirements.txt
+RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
+COPY src /app/src
+WORKDIR /app/src
+CMD supervisord -c supervisord.conf
diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/src/app.py b/LowCodeLLM/src/app.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfba4675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/src/app.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import os
+from flask import Flask, request
+from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin
+from lowCodeLLM import lowCodeLLM
+from flask.logging import default_handler
+import logging
+app = Flask('lowcode-llm', static_url_path='', template_folder='')
+app.debug = True
+llm = lowCodeLLM()
+gunicorn_logger = logging.getLogger('gunicorn.error')
+app.logger = gunicorn_logger
+logging_format = logging.Formatter(
+ '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(filename)s - %(funcName)s - %(lineno)s - %(message)s')
+@app.route('/api/get_workflow', methods=['POST'])
+def get_workflow():
+ try:
+ request_content = request.get_json()
+ task_prompt = request_content['task_prompt']
+ workflow = llm.get_workflow(task_prompt)
+ return workflow, 200
+ except Exception as e:
+ app.logger.error(
+ 'failed to get_workflow, msg:%s, request data:%s' % (str(e), request.json))
+ return {'errmsg': str(e)}, 500
+@app.route('/api/extend_workflow', methods=['POST'])
+def extend_workflow():
+ try:
+ request_content = request.get_json()
+ task_prompt = request_content['task_prompt']
+ current_workflow = request_content['current_workflow']
+ step = request_content['step']
+ sub_workflow = llm.extend_workflow(task_prompt, current_workflow, step)
+ return sub_workflow, 200
+ except Exception as e:
+ app.logger.error(
+ 'failed to extend_workflow, msg:%s, request data:%s' % (str(e), request.json))
+ return {'errmsg': str(e)}, 500
+@app.route('/api/execute', methods=['POST'])
+def execute():
+ try:
+ request_content = request.get_json()
+ task_prompt = request_content['task_prompt']
+ confirmed_workflow = request_content['confirmed_workflow']
+ curr_input = request_content['curr_input']
+ history = request_content['history']
+ response = llm.execute(task_prompt,confirmed_workflow, history, curr_input)
+ return response, 200
+ except Exception as e:
+ app.logger.error(
+ 'failed to execute, msg:%s, request data:%s' % (str(e), request.json))
+ return {'errmsg': str(e)}, 500
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/src/executingLLM.py b/LowCodeLLM/src/executingLLM.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fa11d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/src/executingLLM.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+from openAIWrapper import OpenAIWrapper
+EXECUTING_LLM_PREFIX = """Executing LLM is designed to provide outstanding responses.
+Executing LLM will be given a overall task as the background of the conversation between the Executing LLM and human.
+When providing response, Executing LLM MUST STICTLY follow the provided standard operating procedure (SOP).
+the SOP is formatted as:
+STEP 1: [step name][step descriptions][[[if 'condition1'][Jump to STEP]], [[if 'condition2'][Jump to STEP]], ...]
+STEP 2: [step name][step descriptions][[[if 'condition1'][Jump to STEP]], [[if 'condition2'][Jump to STEP]], ...]
+here "[[[if 'condition1'][Jump to STEP n]], [[if 'condition2'][Jump to STEP m]], ...]" is judgmental logic. It means when you're performing this step,
+and if 'condition1' is satisfied, you will perform STEP n next. If 'condition2' is satisfied, you will perform STEP m next.
+Executing LLM is facing a real human, who does not know what SOP is.
+So, Do not show him/her the SOP steps you are following, or the process and middle results of performing the SOP. It will make him/her confused. Just response the answer.
+Executing LLM is facing a real human, who does not know what SOP is.
+So, Do not show him/her the SOP steps you are following, or the process and middle results of performing the SOP. It will make him/her confused. Just response the answer.
+class executingLLM:
+ def __init__(self, temperature) -> None:
+ self.prefix = EXECUTING_LLM_PREFIX
+ self.suffix = EXECUTING_LLM_SUFFIX
+ self.LLM = OpenAIWrapper(temperature)
+ self.messages = [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
+ {"role": "system", "content": self.prefix}]
+ def execute(self, current_prompt, history):
+ ''' provide LLM the dialogue history and the current prompt to get response '''
+ messages = self.messages + history
+ messages.append({'role': 'user', "content": current_prompt + self.suffix})
+ response, status = self.LLM.run(messages)
+ if status:
+ return response
+ else:
+ return "OpenAI API error."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/src/index.html b/LowCodeLLM/src/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f869cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/src/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+ Tutorial Demo
Low Code Demo
+ Task:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/src/lowCodeLLM.py b/LowCodeLLM/src/lowCodeLLM.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4466fd46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/src/lowCodeLLM.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+from planningLLM import planningLLM
+from executingLLM import executingLLM
+import json
+class lowCodeLLM:
+ def __init__(self, PLLM_temperature=0.4, ELLM_temperature=0):
+ self.PLLM = planningLLM(PLLM_temperature)
+ self.ELLM = executingLLM(ELLM_temperature)
+ def get_workflow(self, task_prompt):
+ return self.PLLM.get_workflow(task_prompt)
+ def extend_workflow(self, task_prompt, current_workflow, step=''):
+ ''' generate a sub-workflow for one of steps
+ - input: the current workflow, the step needs to extend
+ - output: sub-workflow '''
+ workflow = self._json2txt(current_workflow)
+ return self.PLLM.extend_workflow(task_prompt, workflow, step)
+ def execute(self, task_prompt,confirmed_workflow, history, curr_input):
+ ''' chat with the workflow-equipped low-code LLM '''
+ prompt = [{'role': 'system', "content": 'The overall task you are facing is: '+task_prompt+
+ '\nThe standard operating procedure(SOP) is:\n'+self._json2txt(confirmed_workflow)}]
+ history = prompt + history
+ response = self.ELLM.execute(curr_input, history)
+ return response
+ def _json2txt(self, workflow_json):
+ ''' convert the json workflow to text'''
+ def json2text_step(step):
+ step_res = ""
+ step_res += step["stepId"] + ": [" + step["stepName"] + "]"
+ step_res += "[" + step["stepDescription"] + "]["
+ for jump in step["jumpLogic"]:
+ step_res += "[[" + jump["Condition"] + "][" + jump["Target"] + "]],"
+ step_res += "]\n"
+ return step_res
+ workflow_txt = ""
+ for step in json.loads(workflow_json):
+ workflow_txt += json2text_step(step)
+ for substep in step['extension']:
+ workflow_txt += json2text_step(substep)
+ return workflow_txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/src/openAIWrapper.py b/LowCodeLLM/src/openAIWrapper.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..298cfe4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/src/openAIWrapper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import os
+import openai
+class OpenAIWrapper:
+ def __init__(self, temperature):
+ self.key = os.environ.get("OPENAIKEY")
+ self.chat_model_id = "gpt-3.5-turbo"
+ self.temperature = temperature
+ self.max_tokens = 2048
+ self.top_p = 1
+ self.time_out = 7
+ def run(self, prompt):
+ return self._post_request_chat(prompt)
+ def _post_request_chat(self, messages):
+ try:
+ openai.api_key = self.key
+ response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
+ model=self.chat_model_id,
+ messages=messages,
+ temperature=self.temperature,
+ max_tokens=self.max_tokens,
+ frequency_penalty=0,
+ presence_penalty=0
+ )
+ res = response['choices'][0]['message']['content']
+ return res, True
+ except Exception as e:
+ return "", False
diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/src/planningLLM.py b/LowCodeLLM/src/planningLLM.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c5f7865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/src/planningLLM.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import re
+import json
+from openAIWrapper import OpenAIWrapper
+PLANNING_LLM_PREFIX = """Planning LLM is designed to provide a standard operating procedure so that an abstract and difficult task will be broken down into several steps, and the task will be easily solved by following these steps.
+Planning LLM is a powerful problem-solving assistant, so it only needs to analyze the task and provide standard operating procedure as guidance, but does not need actually to solve the problem.
+Sometimes there exists some unknown or undetermined situation, thus judgmental logic is needed: some "conditions" are listed, and the next step that should be carried out if a "condition" is satisfied is also listed. The judgmental logics are not necessary, so the jump actions are provided only when needed.
+Planning LLM MUST only provide standard operating procedure in the following format without any other words:
+STEP 1: [step name][step descriptions][[[if 'condition1'][Jump to STEP]], [[[if 'condition1'][Jump to STEP]], [[if 'condition2'][Jump to STEP]], ...]
+STEP 2: [step name][step descriptions][[[if 'condition1'][Jump to STEP]], [[[if 'condition1'][Jump to STEP]], [[if 'condition2'][Jump to STEP]], ...]
+For example:
+STEP 1: [Brainstorming][Choose a topic or prompt, and generate ideas and organize them into an outline][]
+STEP 2: [Research][Gather information, take notes and organize them into the outline][[[lack of ideas][Jump to STEP 1]]]
+\nsome steps of the SOP provided by Planning LLM are too rough, so Planning LLM can also provide a detailed sub-SOP for the given step.
+Remember, Planning LLM take the overall SOP into consideration, and the sub-SOP MUST be consistent with the rest of the steps, and there MUST be no duplication in content between the extension and the original SOP.
+Besides, the extension MUST be logically consistent with the given step.
+For example:
+If the overall SOP is:
+STEP 1: [Brainstorming][Choose a topic or prompt, and generate ideas and organize them into an outline][]
+STEP 2: [Research][Gather information from credible sources, and take notes and organize them into the outline][[[if lack of ideas][Jump to STEP 1]]]
+STEP 3: [Write][write the text][]
+If the STEP 3: "write the text" is too rough and needs to be extended, then the response could be:
+STEP 3.1: [Write the title][write the title of the essay][]
+STEP 3.2: [Write the body][write the body of the essay][[[if lack of materials][Jump to STEP 2]]]
+STEP 3.3: [Write the conclusion][write the conclusion of the essay][]
+1. Extension is focused on the step descriptions, but not on the judgmental logic;
+2. Planning LLM ONLY needs to response the extension.
+PLANNING_LLM_SUFFIX = """\nRemember: Planning LLM is very strict to the format and NEVER reply any word other than the standard operating procedure. The reply MUST start with "STEP".
+class planningLLM:
+ def __init__(self, temperature) -> None:
+ self.prefix = PLANNING_LLM_PREFIX
+ self.suffix = PLANNING_LLM_SUFFIX
+ self.LLM = OpenAIWrapper(temperature)
+ self.messages = [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."}]
+ def get_workflow(self, task_prompt):
+ '''
+ - input: task_prompt
+ - output: workflow (json)
+ '''
+ messages = self.messages + [{'role': 'user', "content": PLANNING_LLM_PREFIX+'\nThe task is:\n'+task_prompt+PLANNING_LLM_SUFFIX}]
+ response, status = self.LLM.run(messages)
+ if status:
+ return self._txt2json(response)
+ else:
+ return "OpenAI API error."
+ def extend_workflow(self, task_prompt, current_workflow, step):
+ messages = self.messages + [{'role': 'user', "content": PLANNING_LLM_PREFIX+'\nThe task is:\n'+task_prompt+PLANNING_LLM_SUFFIX}]
+ messages.append({'role': 'user', "content": EXTEND_PREFIX+
+ 'The current SOP is:\n'+current_workflow+
+ '\nThe step needs to be extended is:\n'+step+
+ response, status = self.LLM.run(messages)
+ if status:
+ return self._txt2json(response)
+ else:
+ return "OpenAI API error."
+ def _txt2json(self, workflow_txt):
+ ''' convert the workflow in natural language to json format '''
+ workflow = []
+ try:
+ steps = workflow_txt.split('\n')
+ for step in steps:
+ if step[0:4] != "STEP":
+ continue
+ left_indices = [_.start() for _ in re.finditer("\[", step)]
+ right_indices = [_.start() for _ in re.finditer("\]", step)]
+ step_id = step[: left_indices[0]-2]
+ step_name = step[left_indices[0]+1: right_indices[0]]
+ step_description = step[left_indices[1]+1: right_indices[1]]
+ jump_str = step[left_indices[2]+1: right_indices[-1]]
+ if re.findall(re.compile(r'[A-Za-z]',re.S), jump_str) == []:
+ workflow.append({"stepId": step_id, "stepName": step_name, "stepDescription": step_description, "jumpLogic": [], "extension": []})
+ continue
+ jump_logic = []
+ left_indices = [_.start() for _ in re.finditer('\[', jump_str)]
+ right_indices = [_.start() for _ in re.finditer('\]', jump_str)]
+ i = 1
+ while i < len(left_indices):
+ jump = {"Condition": jump_str[left_indices[i]+1: right_indices[i-1]], "Target": re.search(r'STEP\s\d', jump_str[left_indices[i+1]+1: right_indices[i]]).group(0)}
+ jump_logic.append(jump)
+ i += 3
+ workflow.append({"stepId": step_id, "stepName": step_name, "stepDescription": step_description, "jumpLogic": jump_logic, "extension": []})
+ return json.dumps(workflow)
+ except:
+ print("Format error, please try again.")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/src/requirements.txt b/LowCodeLLM/src/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..055892d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/src/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/src/supervisord.conf b/LowCodeLLM/src/supervisord.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c2e6ad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/src/supervisord.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+command=gunicorn --timeout 300 --bind "" "app:app" --log-level debug --capture-output --worker-class gevent
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/src/test/test_execute.py b/LowCodeLLM/src/test/test_execute.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..affa3dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/src/test/test_execute.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import json
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+def test_extend_workflow():
+ from lowCodeLLM import lowCodeLLM
+ cases = json.load(open("./test/testcases/execute_test_cases.json", "r"))
+ llm = lowCodeLLM(0.5, 0)
+ for c in cases:
+ task_prompt = c["task_prompt"]
+ confirmed_workflow = c["confirmed_workflow"]
+ history = c["history"]
+ curr_input = c["curr_input"]
+ result = llm.execute(task_prompt, confirmed_workflow, history, curr_input)
+ time.sleep(5)
+ assert type(result) == str
+ assert len(result) > 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/src/test/test_extend_workflow.py b/LowCodeLLM/src/test/test_extend_workflow.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f9a9a38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/src/test/test_extend_workflow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import json
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+def test_extend_workflow():
+ from lowCodeLLM import lowCodeLLM
+ cases = json.load(open("./test/testcases/extend_workflow_test_cases.json", "r"))
+ llm = lowCodeLLM(0.5, 0)
+ for c in cases:
+ task_prompt = c["task_prompt"]
+ current_workflow = c["current_workflow"]
+ step = c["step"]
+ result = llm.extend_workflow(task_prompt, current_workflow, step)
+ time.sleep(5)
+ assert len(json.loads(result)) >= 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/src/test/test_get_workflow.py b/LowCodeLLM/src/test/test_get_workflow.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d029a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/src/test/test_get_workflow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import json
+import sys
+import os
+def test_get_workflow():
+ from lowCodeLLM import lowCodeLLM
+ cases = json.load(open("./test/testcases/get_workflow_test_cases.json", "r"))
+ llm = lowCodeLLM(0.5, 0)
+ for c in cases:
+ task_prompt = c["task_prompt"]
+ result = llm.get_workflow(task_prompt)
+ assert len(json.loads(result)) >= 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/src/test/testcases/execute_test_cases.json b/LowCodeLLM/src/test/testcases/execute_test_cases.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2d62b8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/src/test/testcases/execute_test_cases.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ {
+ "task_prompt": "Write an essay about drunk driving issue.",
+ "confirmed_workflow": "[{\"stepId\": \"STEP 1\", \"stepName\": \"Research\", \"stepDescription\": \"Gather statistics and information about drunk driving issue\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 2\", \"stepName\": \"Identify the causes\", \"stepDescription\": \"Analyze the reasons behind drunk driving\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 3\", \"stepName\": \"Examine the consequences\", \"stepDescription\": \"Investigate the outcomes of drunk driving\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 4\", \"stepName\": \"Develop a prevention plan\", \"stepDescription\": \"Create a plan to prevent drunk driving\", \"jumpLogic\": [{\"Condition\": \"if 'lack of information'\", \"Target\": \"STEP 1\"}, {\"Condition\": \"if 'unclear causes'\", \"Target\": \"STEP 2\"}, {\"Condition\": \"if 'incomplete analysis'\", \"Target\": \"STEP 2\"}, {\"Condition\": \"if 'unrealistic plan'\", \"Target\": \"STEP 4\"}], \"extension\": []}]",
+ "history": [],
+ "curr_input": "write the essay and show me."
+ },
+ {
+ "task_prompt": "Write an bolg about Microsoft.",
+ "confirmed_workflow": "[{\"stepId\": \"STEP 1\", \"stepName\": \"Research\", \"stepDescription\": \"Gather information about Microsoft's history, products, and services\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 2\", \"stepName\": \"Analyze\", \"stepDescription\": \"Organize the gathered information into categories and identify key points\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 3\", \"stepName\": \"Outline\", \"stepDescription\": \"Create an outline based on the key points and categories\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 4\", \"stepName\": \"Write\", \"stepDescription\": \"Write a draft of the blog post using the outline as a guide\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 5\", \"stepName\": \"Edit\", \"stepDescription\": \"Review and revise the draft for clarity and accuracy\", \"jumpLogic\": [{\"Condition\": \"need for further editing\", \"Target\": \"STEP 4\"}], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 6\", \"stepName\": \"Publish\", \"stepDescription\": \"Post the final version of the blog post on a suitable platform\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}]",
+ "history": [],
+ "curr_input": "write the blog and show me."
+ },
+ {
+ "task_prompt": "I want to write a two-player battle game.",
+ "confirmed_workflow": "[{\"stepId\": \"STEP 1\", \"stepName\": \"Game Concept\", \"stepDescription\": \"Decide on the game concept and mechanics\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 2\", \"stepName\": \"Game Design\", \"stepDescription\": \"Create a rough sketch of the game, including the game board, characters, and rules\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 3\", \"stepName\": \"Programming\", \"stepDescription\": \"Write the code for the game\", \"jumpLogic\": [{\"Condition\": \"if 'game mechanics are too complex'\", \"Target\": \"STEP 1\"}], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 4\", \"stepName\": \"Testing\", \"stepDescription\": \"Test the game for bugs and glitches\", \"jumpLogic\": [{\"Condition\": \"if 'gameplay is not balanced'\", \"Target\": \"STEP 2\"}], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 5\", \"stepName\": \"Polishing\", \"stepDescription\": \"Add finishing touches to the game, including graphics and sound effects\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 6\", \"stepName\": \"Release\", \"stepDescription\": \"Publish the game for players to enjoy\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}]",
+ "history": [{"role": "asistant", "content": "sure, I can write it for you, do you want me show you the code?"}],
+ "curr_input": "Sure."
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/src/test/testcases/extend_workflow_test_cases.json b/LowCodeLLM/src/test/testcases/extend_workflow_test_cases.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57aad472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/src/test/testcases/extend_workflow_test_cases.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ {
+ "task_prompt": "Write an essay about drunk driving issue.",
+ "current_workflow": "[{\"stepId\": \"STEP 1\", \"stepName\": \"Research\", \"stepDescription\": \"Gather statistics and information about drunk driving issue\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 2\", \"stepName\": \"Identify the causes\", \"stepDescription\": \"Analyze the reasons behind drunk driving\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 3\", \"stepName\": \"Examine the consequences\", \"stepDescription\": \"Investigate the outcomes of drunk driving\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 4\", \"stepName\": \"Develop a prevention plan\", \"stepDescription\": \"Create a plan to prevent drunk driving\", \"jumpLogic\": [{\"Condition\": \"if 'lack of information'\", \"Target\": \"STEP 1\"}, {\"Condition\": \"if 'unclear causes'\", \"Target\": \"STEP 2\"}, {\"Condition\": \"if 'incomplete analysis'\", \"Target\": \"STEP 2\"}, {\"Condition\": \"if 'unrealistic plan'\", \"Target\": \"STEP 4\"}], \"extension\": []}]",
+ "step": "STEP 1"
+ },
+ {
+ "task_prompt": "Write an bolg about Microsoft.",
+ "current_workflow": "[{\"stepId\": \"STEP 1\", \"stepName\": \"Research\", \"stepDescription\": \"Gather information about Microsoft's history, products, and services\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 2\", \"stepName\": \"Analyze\", \"stepDescription\": \"Organize the gathered information into categories and identify key points\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 3\", \"stepName\": \"Outline\", \"stepDescription\": \"Create an outline based on the key points and categories\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 4\", \"stepName\": \"Write\", \"stepDescription\": \"Write a draft of the blog post using the outline as a guide\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 5\", \"stepName\": \"Edit\", \"stepDescription\": \"Review and revise the draft for clarity and accuracy\", \"jumpLogic\": [{\"Condition\": \"need for further editing\", \"Target\": \"STEP 4\"}], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 6\", \"stepName\": \"Publish\", \"stepDescription\": \"Post the final version of the blog post on a suitable platform\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}]",
+ "step": "STEP 2"
+ },
+ {
+ "task_prompt": "I want to write a two-player battle game.",
+ "current_workflow": "[{\"stepId\": \"STEP 1\", \"stepName\": \"Game Concept\", \"stepDescription\": \"Decide on the game concept and mechanics\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 2\", \"stepName\": \"Game Design\", \"stepDescription\": \"Create a rough sketch of the game, including the game board, characters, and rules\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 3\", \"stepName\": \"Programming\", \"stepDescription\": \"Write the code for the game\", \"jumpLogic\": [{\"Condition\": \"if 'game mechanics are too complex'\", \"Target\": \"STEP 1\"}], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 4\", \"stepName\": \"Testing\", \"stepDescription\": \"Test the game for bugs and glitches\", \"jumpLogic\": [{\"Condition\": \"if 'gameplay is not balanced'\", \"Target\": \"STEP 2\"}], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 5\", \"stepName\": \"Polishing\", \"stepDescription\": \"Add finishing touches to the game, including graphics and sound effects\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}, {\"stepId\": \"STEP 6\", \"stepName\": \"Release\", \"stepDescription\": \"Publish the game for players to enjoy\", \"jumpLogic\": [], \"extension\": []}]",
+ "step": "STEP 3"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LowCodeLLM/src/test/testcases/get_workflow_test_cases.json b/LowCodeLLM/src/test/testcases/get_workflow_test_cases.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eac7cb3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LowCodeLLM/src/test/testcases/get_workflow_test_cases.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ {
+ "task_prompt": "Write an essay about drunk driving issue."
+ },
+ {
+ "task_prompt": "Write an bolg about Microsoft."
+ },
+ {
+ "task_prompt": "I want to write a two-player battle game."
+ }
\ No newline at end of file