cat /Users/pat/.kube/config
kubectl get nodes
Kubernetes Dashboard documentation Dashboard access control documentation
cd kube/dashboard
kubectl create -f dashboard-admin.yaml
kubectl apply -f
kubectl proxy
Browse to the dashboard.
Helm install docs Install Helm on your laptop
cd kube/helm
brew install kubernetes-helm
kubectl create -f rbac-config.yaml
helm init
cd java-in-container-dev/spring-doge-workspace/spring-doge/
Look the Dockerfile for multi stage build. This is the file that would be used in a CI/CD pipeline.
docker build -t chanezon/spring-doge .
Or look at Makefile and for manual build using a container: that way the maven cache is reused from one build to the other. You'd use that in development.
make jar
make image
see X11 Setup
cd java-in-container-dev/spring-doge-workspace/spring-doge/
docker-compose -f docker-compose.ide.yml up
start debugging in STS.
cd java-in-container-dev/spring-doge-workspace/spring-doge/
docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml doge
docker stack ps doge
kubectl get all