This repository contains the first coursework I completed for my MSc module COMP0084 Information Retrieval and Data Mining.
The two coursework implemented a retrieval system using different retrieval algorithms.
- Investigate the application of Zipf's law on our corpus.
- Compute the inverted index of our corpus.
- Implement the retrieval algorithm based on the cosine similarity between the query and passage TFIDF vectors
- Implement the BM25 algorithm.
- Implement and analyse the following query likelihood language model
- Laplace smoothing model
- Lidstone correction model
- Dirichlet smoothing model
- Implement ranking evaluation metrics including mNDCG and mAP.
- Implement a logistic regression model from scratch.
- Employ the LambdaMART model for ranking using XGBoost.
- Design and implement a neural network for ranking.