Chamilo 1.10.2 is a minor, bugfix version of the 1.10.x branch, with a few new features and bugfixes on top of 1.10.0. Notably, this version enables the migration from 1.9.x to 1.10.2 (many bugs were reported in the migration from 1.9.x to 1.10.0, which were fixed within the 2 months to this minor version).
Release name
Alsted (55.405964, 11.666896) is a small village in the extended vicinity of København (Copenhagen) in Denmark. It is a very quiet little place inspiring... stability with a little growth. It reflects a typical (short) period of calm before Christmas in the growth of our community, before everything start to grow out of control again :-)
Security fixes
There were no specific security flaws detected during the development of 1.10.2 but standard development procedures and criterias were followed during the development to ensure a very high security level.
See full changelog for this version in the documentation folder of your campus or online here: https://10.chamilo.org/documentation/changelog.html