için başvuru taslağı
Başvuruda istenen sorular burada cevaplanır ve başvuru sırasında kullanır. Forklayıp kendi taslağınızı oluşturun. Taslağın görüntülenmesi için eser/acikkaynak-website#79 üzerinde bahsedebilirsiniz.
Please use the following form to share your idea with us. Remember, our goal is to introduce the next generation of coders to the FOSS community and encourage them to participate for years to come. We don’t have a particular solution in mind, so anything goes! Be creative as you want to be!
We realize the project name might change but what are you calling it now?
your answer
Use this section to grab the judges’ attention so they want to learn more about your entry! Feel free to include key features, unique elements, how it will meet challenge goals, etc.
your answer
One of the Challenge's primary goals is to improve the coding skills of beginner coders by introducing them to the FOSS community and encouraging FOSS community participation for years to come. We are interested in learning about how your entry meets this goal. Please help us gain a better understanding of your entry by addressing the following questions.
Please remember to save your work, as you go along to avoid any accidental loss of content.
your answer
As part of this Challenge we seek ideas that engage diverse populations that are often under-represented in the coding community. Will your submission engage members of this audience? If so, please explain.
Helpful hint: we recommend saving your work every few questions to avoid any accidental lose of content.
your answer
Introducing coders to the FOSS community is important, but engaging and retaining them within the community is also crucial. Please explain how your project will engage and retain users.
your answer
your answer
Include any additional details about your project you think are relevant.
your answer
Supplemental materials are encouraged but not required.
Prepare your files and upload them when you are filling the actual survey.
We would like to learn more about you and your team. Tell us about yourself! Entries can be submitted by individuals or teams. This would be a great time to save your work if you havent already!
Fill these fields:
- Name (first and last name)
- Phone Number
phone number
- Country of Residence
country of residence
- Describe your experience with the FOSS community (no experience necessary)
your experience
- Twitter Handle (optional; please note, by providing your social media details, you are giving us permission to include you in public tweets, posts, and other social media marketing)
twitter handle
If you are not working working with a team skip this section.
If you are, fill in the details for each member (except yourself) by duplicating the Member field.
- Name (first and last name)
- Phone Number
phone number
- Country of Residence
country of residence
- Describe your experience with the FOSS community (no experience necessary)
the experience of the member
- Twitter Handle (optional; please note, by providing your social media details, you are giving us permission to include you in public tweets, posts, and other social media marketing)
twitter handle
Feel free to share relevant skills, examples of past projects, hobbies and other interests.
your answer
Documentation and record keeping are key parts of staying organized. Explain how you’ll document your work so that others may contribute to future iterations.
your answer
your answer
Within your team, how will the roles and responsibilities between the members of your team be allocated?
If you don't have a team skip this. This is for entrants with more than one member.
your answer
Please read the Community Engagement Challenge Terms and Conditions in full before submitting your proposal.
- I understand and accept the Community Engagement Challenge Terms and Conditions