The dataset-classification
service generates a Dynamic dataset classification tree based on the dataset metadata.
The dataset metadata is a json input to dataset-classification service, it describes about the node/attribute types (root, parent, split, and data) of a dataset, each associated with specific positions within the classification options list, based on the hierarchical position aggregation (records grouping) will get applied.
Example metadata with a two-classification option for employee dataset.
"name": "employee",
"classificationNodes": [
"name": "superDepartment",
"type": "parent",
"dataType": "string",
"decisions": [{"type": "STRING_EQ", "value": null,"nodeLabel": null}]
"name": "department",
"type": "parent",
"dataType": "string",
"decisions": [{"type": "STRING_EQ","value": null,"nodeLabel": null}]
"name": "project",
"type": "parent",
"dataType": "string",
"decisions": [{"type": "STRING_EQ","value": null,"nodeLabel": null}]
"name": "team",
"type": "parent",
"dataType": "string",
"decisions": [{"type": "STRING_EQ","value": null,"nodeLabel": null}]
"name": "skill",
"type": "data",
"dataType": "string",
"decisions": [{"type": "STRING_EQ","value": null,"nodeLabel": null}]
"classificationOptions": [
"name": "",
"nodeLevels": [
{"name": "superDepartment","executionId": 0},
{"name": "department","executionId": 1},
{"name": "project","executionId": 2},
{"name": "team","executionId": 3}
"name": "superDepartment.department.skill",
"nodeLevels": [
{"name": "superDepartment","executionId": 0},
{"name": "department","executionId": 1},
{"name": "skill","executionId": 2}
The classification option is a mandatory input to perform the multi-grouping on the given dataset. Subsequently,the classification tree is constructed in alignment with this input
- We can generate multiple classification options for a dataset by considering the cardinality of its attributes and the interrelationships between them.
- The current classification-tree project supports "atomic attribute" values, representing flat dataset records. However, it lacks support for datasets containing complex attribute values, such as object types
- In the future, the
service will extend support to dataset attributes characterized byhigh cardinality
list types, andcomma-separated
values. This expansion necessitates the creation oflogical reference nodes
to ensure efficient classification.
Since the project exclusively supports the classification of flat datasets
, that means no complex attribute structures, so there's no need to uphold Java POJOs
or domain models
for deserializing dataset records. Instead, the Gson's JsonObject
serves as the intermediary for storing and retrieving these records efficiently.
An example rest-api call to store dataset records for employee dataset classification
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/api/dataset/employee/records' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '[
"superDepartment": "Finance",
"department": "Accounting",
"project": "ReportingSystem",
"team": "Accounting",
"skill": "Analyst",
"experience": 2,
"superDepartment": "SuperSpecial2024",
"department": "GenAI",
"project": "NoCodeProj",
"team": "GenAIDevTeam",
"skill": "Python",
"experience": 4,
An example request to create a classification tree on an employee dataset
### http://localhost:8080/api/classificationTree/{datasetName}/{classificationOption}
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/api/classificationTree/employee/superDepartment.department.skill'
"responseCode": "0",
"responseDescription": "Success",
"decisionTree": {
"level": 0,
"name": "ROOT",
"label": "ROOT",
"children": [
"level": 1,
"name": "Engineering",
"label": "Engineering (3)",
"parent": "ROOT",
"children": [
"level": 2,
"name": "Engineering.Ecom",
"label": "Ecom (3)",
"parent": "Engineering",
"children": [
"level": 3,
"name": "Engineering.Ecom.BackendDev",
"label": "BackendDev (1)",
"parent": "Engineering.Ecom",
"recordsCount": 1,
"fileName": "Engineering_Ecom_BackendDev.csv"
"level": 3,
"name": "Engineering.Ecom.WebDev",
"label": "WebDev (2)",
"parent": "Engineering.Ecom",
"recordsCount": 2,
"fileName": "Engineering_Ecom_WebDev.csv"
"recordsCount": 3
"recordsCount": 3
"level": 1,
"name": "superSpecial",
"label": "superSpecial (7)",
"parent": "ROOT",
"children": [
"level": 2,
"name": "superSpecial.GenAI",
"label": "GenAI (3)",
"parent": "superSpecial",
"children": [
"level": 3,
"name": "superSpecial.GenAI.PythonDev",
"label": "PythonDev (3)",
"parent": "superSpecial.GenAI",
"recordsCount": 3,
"fileName": "superSpecial_GenAI_PythonDev.csv"
"recordsCount": 3
"level": 2,
"name": "superSpecial.ML",
"label": "ML (4)",
"parent": "superSpecial",
"children": [
"level": 3,
"name": "superSpecial.ML.WebDev",
"label": "WebDev (2)",
"parent": "superSpecial.ML",
"recordsCount": 2,
"fileName": "superSpecial_ML_WebDev.csv"
"level": 3,
"name": "superSpecial.ML.Backend",
"label": "Backend (2)",
"parent": "superSpecial.ML",
"recordsCount": 2,
"fileName": "superSpecial_ML_Backend.csv"
"recordsCount": 4
"recordsCount": 7
#### To render the classification-tree view, we can invoke the GET endpoint on the browser.
### http://localhost:8080/api/classificationTree/{datasetName}/{classificationOption}/tree-view
google.charts.load('current', {packages:["orgchart"]});
function drawChart(){
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'Name');
data.addColumn('string', 'Parent');
data.addColumn('string', 'ToolTip');
.then(response => response.json())
.then(apiData => {
apiData.forEach(item => {
data.addRow([{'v', 'f''<div style="color:red; font-style:italic">'+item.label+'</div>'},item.parentNode, '']);
// chart options
var options = {
size: 'medium',
allowCollapse: true,
allowHtml: true
var chart = new google.visualization.OrgChart(document.getElementById('order_chart_div'));
chart.draw(data, options);