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chalios edited this page Oct 23, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the unofficial Hackmud's chat Python API

This Python module is intended to simplify access to the Hackmud's chat API directly in Python.

It would be a great help in developing chat bots.


Just pip install hackmud_chat

As Hackmud's API is a HTTP/JSON API, this module will also install requests to perform HTTP communications.


To use the Hackmud's API you need either a token or a password.

If you don't already have a token, you must log into the Hackmud's client and enter the command chat_pass. You will get a 5 ASCII characters password which expires within 5 minutes.

If you already got a token and it is still valid (45 day expiracy) you can use it directly.

Once you have what you need, simply write:

from hackmud_chat import Account

account = Account(token='your_token')
# OR
account = Account(passwd='your_pass')

Then you'll need to get users from this account to interact with the chat.

print account.users
# [<hackmud_chat.User name='user1'>, <hackmud_chat.User name='user2'>, ...]

user1 = account.get_user('user1')

Finally you can interact with the chat:

user1.tell('other_user', 'Hello')
user1.say(user1.channels[0].name, 'Hi everyone')
user1.sayTo(user1.channels[0].name, 'other_user', 'Hello you!')

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