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File metadata and controls

185 lines (123 loc) · 8.13 KB


Project Overview

This project involves managing bank operations and loans. The database schema describes the entities involved in the banking system, including branches, agencies, clients, accounts, operations, and loans.

Database Structure

The database is divided into two parts:

Part 1: Relational-Object (SQL3)

This part focuses on modeling the database using an object-oriented approach and implementing SQL queries to retrieve and manipulate data.

Part 2: NoSQL (MongoDB)

This part focuses on modeling the database using a document-oriented approach and implementing MongoDB queries to retrieve and manipulate data.

Database Schema

Entity Descriptions

Succursale (Branch)

  • NumSucc (Branch Number): Unique identifier for the branch
  • nomSucc (Branch Name): Name of the branch
  • adresseSucc (Branch Address): Address of the branch
  • région (Region): Region where the branch is located (Nord, Sud, Est, Ouest)

Agence (Agency)

  • NumAgence (Agency Number): Unique identifier for the agency
  • nomAgence (Agency Name): Name of the agency
  • adresseAgence (Agency Address): Address of the agency
  • catégorie (Category): Category of the agency (Principale or Secondaire)
  • NumSucc (Branch Number):* Foreign key referencing the NumSucc of the associated branch

Client (Customer)

  • NumClient (Customer Number): Unique identifier for the customer
  • NomClient (Customer Name): Name of the customer
  • TypeClient (Customer Type): Type of customer (Particulier or Entreprise)
  • AdresseClient (Customer Address): Address of the customer
  • NumTel (Phone Number): Phone number of the customer
  • Email (Email Address): Email address of the customer

Compte (Account)

  • NumCompte (Account Number): Unique identifier for the account
  • dateOuverture (Opening Date): Date the account was opened
  • étatCompte (Account Status): Status of the account (Actif or Bloqué)
  • Solde (Balance): Current balance of the account
  • NumClient (Customer Number):* Foreign key referencing the NumClient of the associated customer
  • NumAgence (Agency Number):* Foreign key referencing the NumAgence of the associated agency

Opération (Operation)

  • NumOpération (Operation Number): Unique identifier for the operation
  • NatureOp (Operation Type): Type of operation (Crédit or Débit)
  • montantOp (Operation Amount): Amount of the operation
  • DateOp (Operation Date): Date the operation was performed
  • Observation (Observation): Additional notes or observations about the operation
  • NumCompte (Account Number):* Foreign key referencing the NumCompte of the associated account

Prêt (Loan)

  • NumPrêt (Loan Number): Unique identifier for the loan
  • montantPrêt (Loan Amount): Total amount of the loan
  • dateEffet (Effective Date): Date the loan took effect
  • durée (Duration): Duration of the loan in months
  • typePrêt (Loan Type): Type of loan (Véhicule, Immobilier, ANSEJ, ANJEM)
  • tauxIntérêt (Interest Rate): Interest rate of the loan
  • montantEchéance (Monthly Payment Amount): Amount of the monthly payment
  • NumCompte (Account Number):* Foreign key referencing the NumCompte of the associated account

Data Type Specifications

  • Date: Date format (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD)
  • Num: Integer
  • String: Text

Additional Notes

  • The * symbol indicates a foreign key relationship.
  • The région, catégorie, étatCompte, typePrêt, and NatureOp attributes have predefined values.
  • The TauxInterêt, montantPrêt, montantEchéance, montantOp, and Solde attributes are real numbers.

Entity Relationships

  • A branch can have multiple agencies.
  • An agency belongs to one branch.
  • A customer can have multiple accounts.
  • An account belongs to one customer.
  • An account can have multiple operations.
  • An operation belongs to one account.
  • A customer can have multiple loans.
  • A loan belongs to one customer.
  • An account can have one loan.
  • A loan is associated with one account.

Database Design Considerations

  • The database schema is normalized to reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity.
  • Foreign keys are used to enforce referential integrity between entities.
  • Data types are chosen appropriately to represent the data accurately.


Part 1: Relational-Object (SQL3)

  1. Create an object-oriented class diagram (UML) based on the provided relational schema.

  2. Create two tablespaces: SQL3_TBS and SQL3_TempTBS.

  3. Create an SQL3 user and assign it the two tablespaces created in step 2.

  4. Grant all privileges to the SQL3 user created in step 3.

  5. Define all necessary abstract types and associations based on the object-oriented class diagram created in step 1.

  6. Implement methods to perform the following tasks:

    • Calculate the number of loans issued for each agency.
    • Calculate the number of primary agencies for each branch.
    • Calculate the total loan amount for a given agency (specified by number) between 01-01-2020 and 01-01-2024.
    • List all secondary agencies (along with their corresponding branch) that have at least one "ANSEJ" loan.
  7. Define the necessary tables for the database.

  8. Populate all tables with data:

    • 6 branches
    • 25 agencies distributed among the branches
    • 100 clients, 40 of whom have taken loans from different agencies in different branches
    • A significant number of debit/credit operations on different accounts
    • Ensure attribute constraints are respected
    • Assign meaningful and realistic values to attributes
    • Number branches 001, 002, ..., and agencies 101, 102, 103, ...
    • Account numbers should be 10 digits long and start with the agency number (e.g., 1180005564)
    • Client numbers should be 5 digits long
  9. Write SQL queries to perform the following tasks:

    • List all accounts for a given agency whose owners are businesses.
    • List loans issued by agencies belonging to a specific branch (numSuccursale = 005). Include NumPrêt, NumAgence, numCompte, and MontantPrêt.
    • Identify accounts on which no debit operations were performed between 2000 and 2022.
    • Determine the total credit amount for a specific account (numCompte = 1180005564) in 2023.
    • List all outstanding loans (NumPrêt, NumAgence, numCompte, numClient, and MontantPrêt).
    • Identify the account with the most transactions (debit/credit) in 2023.

Part 2: NoSQL (MongoDB)

A. Document-Oriented Modeling

  1. Propose a document-oriented data model for the database, considering that most queries will focus on loans.

  2. Illustrate the document-oriented model using an example from the generated database.

  3. Justify the design choices made for the document-oriented model.

  4. Discuss any potential drawbacks of the chosen document-oriented model.

B. Populating the Database

  1. Populate the MongoDB database using a script and additional data to increase the database volume.

C. Querying the Database

  1. Write MongoDB queries to perform the following tasks:

  2. Retrieve all loans issued by agency 102.

  3. Retrieve all loans issued by agencies in the "Nord" region branches. Include NumPrêt, NumAgence, numCompte, numClient, and MontantPrêt.

  4. Create a new collection "Agence-NbPrêts" containing agency numbers and the total number of loans per agency. Order the collection by the number of loans in descending order. Display the collection's contents.

  5. Create a new collection "Prêt-ANSEJ" containing all loans related to ANSEJ cases. Include NumPrêt, numClient, MontantPrêt, and dateEffet.

  6. Retrieve all loans taken out by "Particulier" (individual) clients. Display NumClient, NomClient, NumPrêt, montantPrêt.

  7. Increase the amount of the outstanding balance by 2000DA for all outstanding loans with an effective date before January 2021.

  8. Replicate the 3rd query using the Map-Reduce paradigm.

  9. Determine whether the current design can fulfill the following query: Display all credit operations performed on the accounts of "Entreprise" (business) clients during the year 2023. Justify your answer.