This script creates the animated TMD logo gif. It uses the earthimage
, cmocean
, shadem
, and gif
functions, which are all part of the Climate Data Toolbox for MATLAB.
As an alternative to the gif function, you may prefer MATLAB's built-in exportgraphics
function (after R2022a) for gifs, or the VideoWriter
function for other video formats.
Another example of creating a gif like this can be found in the documentation for the tmd_predict
Note: If the grid you're solving is particularly large and/or you have lots of timesteps, you may need to predict tides one map at a time. That will be slower than solving the entire cube at once, because loading and interpolating the tidal constituent data takes a fair bit of time, but memory might become an issue for very large data cubes.
This script takes about 2 minutes to run on my laptop from 2019.
% Model filename:
fn = '';
% Create 0.2 degree resolution grid:
[Lat,Lon] = cdtgrid(0.2);
% Create an hourly time array for 25 hours:
t = datetime('mar 29, 2017'):hours(1):datetime('mar 30, 2017');
% Get water column thickness for the grid:
wct = tmd_interp(fn,'wct',Lat,Lon);
% Predict tides:
Z = tmd_predict(fn,Lat,Lon,t,'h');
figure('position',[10 10 560 280],'color','k')
hs = surf(Lon,Lat,-wct,Z(:,:,1)); % the first "slice" of Z data
hold on
he = earthimage('bottom');
shading interp
axis image off
cmocean balance
caxis([-1 1]*2)
shadem(-12) % tiny bit of hillshade
hs.ZData = hs.ZData-min(hs.ZData(:))+1; % raises above earthimage
set(gca,'position',[0 0 1 1])
txt = text(0.5,0.5,{'Tide Model Driver';'for MATLAB'},'horiz','center',...
% Write the first frame:
% Loop through the remaining frames
for k = 2:length(t)
hs.CData = Z(:,:,k);
gif % writes this frame
If the animation above doesn't make you want to lose your lunch, perhaps this one will. This example closely follows the one above, but in addition to tidal height, we'll also predict tidal transports.
Some notes:
- We'll solve transports on a 0.2 degree grid, but we'll only plot vectors on a 3 degree grid. This requires anti-aliasing.
- Technically, we should solve tides on the native 1/30 degree grid, then lowpass filter to 6 degrees or a little more, then interpolate to a 3 degree grid. That would produce anti-aliased transports that meet the Nyquist criteria. Instead, we'll do this sort of hybrid approach, where we'll solve transports on a 0.2 degree grid, then lowpass filter to 6 degrees (using the
function in the Climate Data Toolbox) and interpolate. So we might end up with a little bit of noise, but let's not be pedants. - Matlab's
function doesn't allow bordered text, so below I create eight white text objects, each offset by some combination of 0.3 degrees in longitude or 0.15 degrees in latitude. The end result produces the appearance of outlined text.
% Model filename:
fn = '';
% Create 0.2 degree resolution grid:
[Lat,Lon] = cdtgrid(0.2);
% Create an hourly time array for 25 hours:
t = datetime('mar 29, 2017'):hours(1):datetime('mar 30, 2017');
% Get water column thickness for the grid:
wct = tmd_interp(fn,'wct',Lat,Lon);
% Predict tides:
Z = tmd_predict(fn,Lat,Lon,t,'h');
U = tmd_predict(fn,Lat,Lon,t,'U');
V = tmd_predict(fn,Lat,Lon,t,'V');
%% Animate
figure('position',[10 10 560 280],'color','k')
hs = surf(Lon,Lat,-wct,Z(:,:,1)); % the first "slice" of Z data
hold on
he = earthimage('bottom');
shading interp
axis image off
cmocean balance
caxis([-1 1]*2)
shadem(-12) % tiny bit of hillshade
hs.ZData = hs.ZData-min(hs.ZData(:))+1; % raises above earthimage
set(gca,'position',[0 0 1 1])
ax = axis; % gets axis limits
% Downsampled grid:
skip = 15;
Lonf = Lon(floor(skip/2):skip:end,floor(skip/2):skip:end);
Latf = Lat(floor(skip/2):skip:end,floor(skip/2):skip:end);
% Land mask for the downsampled grid:
land = ~tmd_interp(fn,'mask',Latf,Lonf);
% Anti-aliased (by lowpass filtering) U and V:
tmpu = interp2(Lon,Lat,filt2(U(:,:,1),1,skip*2,'lp'),Lonf,Latf);
tmpv = interp2(Lon,Lat,filt2(V(:,:,1),1,skip*2,'lp'),Lonf,Latf);
% Ensure land pixels are NaN:
tmpu(land) = nan;
% Plot arrows (with a Z component to get above surface topography):
q = quiver3(Lonf,Latf,9*ones(size(Lonf)),tmpu,tmpv,zeros(size(Lonf)),'k');
q.LineWidth = 0.1;
% Plot background text:
dl = 0.3;
txtw(1) = text(dl,0,10,{'Tide Model Driver';'for MATLAB'},'horiz','center',...
txtw(2) = text(-dl,0,10,{'Tide Model Driver';'for MATLAB'},'horiz','center',...
txtw(3) = text(dl,dl/2,10,{'Tide Model Driver';'for MATLAB'},'horiz','center',...
txtw(4) = text(dl,-dl/2,10,{'Tide Model Driver';'for MATLAB'},'horiz','center',...
txtw(5) = text(-dl,dl/2,10,{'Tide Model Driver';'for MATLAB'},'horiz','center',...
txtw(6) = text(-dl,-dl/2,10,{'Tide Model Driver';'for MATLAB'},'horiz','center',...
txtw(7) = text(0,dl/2,10,{'Tide Model Driver';'for MATLAB'},'horiz','center',...
txtw(8) = text(0,-dl/2,10,{'Tide Model Driver';'for MATLAB'},'horiz','center',...
% Plot
txt = text(0,0,10,{'Tide Model Driver';'for MATLAB'},'horiz','center',...
col = cmocean('phase',length(t));
axis(ax); % ensures axis limits match in every frame
% Write the first frame:
% Loop through the remaining frames
for k = 2:length(t)
% Update ocean color (height data):
hs.CData = Z(:,:,k);
% Get anti-aliased U and V:
tmpu = interp2(Lon,Lat,filt2(U(:,:,k),1,skip*2,'lp'),Lonf,Latf);
tmpv = interp2(Lon,Lat,filt2(V(:,:,k),1,skip*2,'lp'),Lonf,Latf);
tmpu(land) = nan;
% Update quiver arrows:
q.UData = tmpu;
q.VData = tmpv;
axis(ax) % ensures axis limits match in every frame
gif % writes this frame
This script was written by Chad A. Greene, June 2022.