#How to configure and run the parser
##Required modules: The following Python modules need to installed:
- RDFLib (https://github.com/RDFLib/rdflib),
- PDFMiner (http://www.unixuser.org/~euske/python/pdfminer/),
- Grab (http://grablib.org/),
- PyPDF2 (https://github.com/mstamy2/PyPDF2).
All configuration settings should be in config.py
file which should be created from config.py.example
by renaming it.
###Input urls
The list of input urls are set as a Python list to input_urls
###DBpedia dataset (with countries and universities) Parser uses DBpedia to extract the names of countries and univeristies, and their URIs in DBpedia.
There are three options:
- to use the original dataset. It's by default, nothing should be configured,
- to use the OpenLink's mirror, then the
should be changed tohttp://lod.openlinksw.com/sparql
, - to use a local dump, it's prefered option, because it should be much faster and more stable. The
should be set to the local SPARQL Endpoint and the RDF filesdumps/dbpedia_country.xml
should be uploaded to it.
Once you finished with the configuration you need just to execute the following script:
python CeurWsParser/spider.py
The dataset will be in rdfdb.ttl
Maxim Kolchin (kolchinmax@gmail.com)
Fedor Kozlov (kozlovfedor@gmail.com)
Prefixes that are used in the queries:
PREFIX swrc:<http://swrc.ontoware.org/ontology#>
PREFIX foaf:<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX rdfs:<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX xsd:<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
PREFIX rdf:<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX dcterms:<http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
PREFIX bibo:<http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/>
PREFIX timeline:<http://purl.org/NET/c4dm/timeline.owl#>
PREFIX swc:<http://data.semanticweb.org/ns/swc/ontology#>
PREFIX dc:<http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
PREFIX skos:<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>
PREFIX dbpedia-owl:<http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
####Q1.1: List the full names of all editors of the proceedings of workshop W
SELECT ?proc ?editor_name WHERE {
VALUES ?proc {
?proc swrc:editor ?editor .
?editor foaf:name ?editor_name .
####Q1.2: Count the number of papers in workshop W
SELECT ?proc (count(?pub) AS ?paper_count) {
VALUES ?proc {
?pub dcterms:partOf ?proc .
GROUP BY ?proc
####Q1.3: List the full names of all authors who have (co-)authored a paper in workshop W
SELECT DISTINCT ?proc ?creator_name WHERE {
VALUES ?proc {
} .
?pub dcterms:partOf ?proc .
?creator dc:creator ?pub ;
foaf:name ?creator_name .
####Q1.4: Compute the average length (in numbers of pages) of a paper in workshop W
SELECT (AVG(?pages) AS ?avg) {
VALUES ?proc {
?proc dcterms:hasPart ?pub .
?pub bibo:numPages ?pages .
GROUP BY ?proc
####Q1.5: Find out whether the proceedings of workshop W were published on CEUR-WS.org before the workshop took place
SELECT ?proc ?result {
VALUES ?proc {
?proc bibo:presentedAt ?workshop ;
dcterms:issued ?issued .
{ ?workshop timeline:atDate ?date }
{ ?workshop timeline:beginsAtDateTime ?date }
BIND(bound(?date) && YEAR(?date) >= YEAR(?issued) && (MONTH(?date) = MONTH(?issued) && DAY(?date) >= DAY(?issued) || MONTH(?date) > MONTH(?issued)) AS ?result)
####Q1.6: Identify all editions that the workshop series titled T has published with CEUR-WS.org
SELECT (STRDT(?search, xsd:string) AS ?search_a) ?proc WHERE {
VALUES ?search {"Linked Data on the Web" "Workshop on Modular Ontologies"}
?workshop a bibo:Workshop;
rdfs:label ?label .
?proc a swrc:Proceedings ;
bibo:presentedAt ?workshop .
FILTER(strStarts(?label, ?search)) .
####Q1.7: Identify the full names of those chairs of the workshop series titled T that have so far been a chair in every edition of the workshop that was published with CEUR-WS.org
SELECT (STRDT(?search, xsd:string) AS ?search_a) ?editor_name WHERE {
SELECT ?search ?workshop ?editor WHERE {
VALUES ?search {"Linked Data on the Web" "Semantic Publishing"} .
?workshop a bibo:Workshop;
rdfs:label ?label .
FILTER(strStarts(?label, ?search)) .
[] a swrc:Proceedings;
bibo:presentedAt ?workshop;
swrc:editor ?editor .
SELECT ?search (COUNT(?workshop) AS ?count) WHERE {
VALUES ?search {"Linked Data on the Web" "Semantic Publishing"} .
?workshop a bibo:Workshop;
rdfs:label ?label .
FILTER(strStarts(?label, ?search)) .
GROUP BY ?search
?editor foaf:name ?editor_name .
GROUP BY ?search ?editor_name
HAVING (COUNT(?search) = MAX(?count))
####Q1.8: Identify all CEUR-WS.org proceedings volumes in which papers of workshops of conference C in year Y were published
SELECT ?conf_name (YEAR(?conf_year) AS ?conf_year_int) ?proc WHERE {
?conf a swc:OrganizedEvent;
rdfs:label "LPNMR"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:label ?conf_name ;
timeline:atDate "2013"^^xsd:gYear ;
timeline:atDate ?conf_year .
?conf a swc:OrganizedEvent;
rdfs:label "WWW"^^xsd:string ;
rdfs:label ?conf_name ;
timeline:atDate "2012"^^xsd:gYear ;
timeline:atDate ?conf_year .
?workshop a bibo:Workshop;
swc:isSubEventOf ?conf .
?proc a swrc:Proceedings ;
bibo:presentedAt ?workshop .
####Q1.9: Identify those papers of workshop W that were (co-)authored by at least one chair of the workshop
VALUES ?proc {
?proc swrc:editor ?editor .
?editor a foaf:Agent ;
foaf:name ?editor_name .
?pub a foaf:Document ;
dcterms:partOf ?proc .
?author a foaf:Agent ;
dc:creator ?pub ;
foaf:name ?author_name .
FILTER(REGEX(?author_name, CONCAT(".*", REPLACE(?editor_name, "[. ']+", ".*"), ".*"), "i")) .
####Q1.10: List the full names of all authors of invited papers in workshop W
SELECT ?proc ?author_name {
VALUES ?proc {
?proc dcterms:hasPart ?pub .
?pub a swc:InvitedPaper .
?author dc:creator ?pub ;
foaf:name ?author_name .
####Q1.11: Determine the number of editions that the workshop series titled T has had, regardless of whether published with CEUR-WS.org
SELECT (STRDT(?prefix, xsd:string) AS ?prefix_a) (SUM(?edition) AS ?edition_count) {
SELECT ?prefix (MAX(?edition) AS ?max_edition) {
VALUES ?prefix {
"Linked Data on the Web"
"Workshop on Modular Ontologies"
?workshop a bibo:Workshop ;
rdfs:label ?workshop_name .
OPTIONAL { ?workshop swrc:edition ?e . }
BIND (IF(bound(?e), ?e, 1) AS ?edition)
FILTER(STRSTARTS(?workshop_name, ?prefix))
GROUP BY ?prefix
SELECT ?prefix ?edition {
VALUES ?prefix {
"Linked Data on the Web"
"Workshop on Modular Ontologies"
?workshop a bibo:Workshop ;
rdfs:label ?workshop_name .
OPTIONAL { ?workshop swrc:edition ?e . }
BIND (IF(bound(?e), ?e, 1) AS ?edition)
FILTER(STRSTARTS(?workshop_name, ?prefix))
FILTER(?max_edition = ?edition)
GROUP BY ?prefix
####Q1.12: Determine the title (without year) that workshop W had in its first edition
SELECT ?proc ?prefix {
SELECT ?proc (MIN(?date) AS ?min_date) {
VALUES ?proc {
?proc bibo:presentedAt|bibo:presentedAt/rdfs:seeAlso ?workshop .
{ ?workshop timeline:atDate ?date . }
{ ?workshop timeline:beginsAtDateTime ?date . }
GROUP BY ?proc
?proc bibo:presentedAt|bibo:presentedAt/rdfs:seeAlso ?workshop .
?workshop rdfs:label ?name .
{ ?workshop timeline:atDate ?date . }
{ ?workshop timeline:beginsAtDateTime ?date . }
FILTER(?date = ?min_date)
BIND(REPLACE(?name, "\\s+(20|19)\\d{2}.*$","") AS ?prefix)
####Q1.13: Of the workshops of conference C in year Y, identify those that did not publish with CEUR-WS.org in the following year (and that therefore probably no longer took place)
SELECT DISTINCT (STRDT(?acrn, xsd:string) AS ?acrn_str) (YEAR(?conf_date) AS ?conf_date_int) ?proc {
VALUES (?acrn ?year) {
("ISWC" "2012")
?conf a swc:OrganizedEvent ;
rdfs:label ?conf_name ;
timeline:atDate ?conf_date .
?workshop swc:isSubEventOf ?conf .
?proc bibo:presentedAt ?workshop .
FILTER( ?conf_name = ?acrn && STR(YEAR(?conf_date)) = ?year )
FILTER EXISTS { ?workshop rdfs:seeAlso [] . }
FILTER NOT EXISTS { [] rdfs:seeAlso ?workshop . }
####Q1.14: Identify the papers of the workshop titled T (which was published in a joint volume V with other workshops)
SELECT (STRDT(?acrn, xsd:string) AS ?acrn_str) ?proc ?publication {
VALUES (?acrn ?proc) {
("BeRSys" <http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-981/>)
?workshop bibo:shortTitle ?w_title .
?publication a swrc:InProceedings ;
bibo:presentedAt ?workshop .
FILTER(?w_title = ?acrn)
####Q1.15: List the full names of all editors of the proceedings of the workshop titled T (which was published in a joint volume V with other workshops)
SELECT (STRDT(?acrn, xsd:string) AS ?acrn_str) ?proc ?chair_name {
VALUES (?acrn ?proc) {
("BeRSys" <http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-981/>)
?w a bibo:Workshop ;
rdfs:label | bibo:shortTitle ?w_name ;
swc:hasRole / swc:heldBy ?chair .
?chair foaf:name ?chair_name .
?proc bibo:presentedAt ?w .
FILTER(?w_name = ?acrn)
####Q1.16: Of the workshops that had editions at conference C both in year Y and Y+1, identify the workshop(s) with the biggest percentage of growth
SELECT (STRDT(?acrn, xsd:string) AS ?acrn_str) (YEAR(?cr_date) AS ?date) ?pr {
?c a swc:OrganizedEvent ;
rdfs:label ?c_name ;
timeline:atDate ?c_date .
?cr a swc:OrganizedEvent ;
rdfs:label ?cr_name ;
timeline:atDate ?cr_date .
?w a bibo:Workshop ;
swc:isSubEventOf ?c .
?wr rdfs:seeAlso ?w ;
swc:isSubEventOf ?cr .
?p a swrc:Proceedings ;
bibo:presentedAt ?w .
?pr a swrc:Proceedings ;
bibo:presentedAt ?wr .
SELECT ?p (COUNT(?pub) AS ?p_num_pubs) {
?p dcterms:hasPart ?pub .
?pub a swrc:InProceedings .
SELECT ?pr (COUNT(?pub) AS ?pr_num_pubs) {
?pr dcterms:hasPart ?pub .
?pub a swrc:InProceedings .
SELECT ?acrn ?year (MAX(?pr_num_pubs-?p_num_pubs) AS ?max_diff) {
VALUES (?acrn ?year) {
("WWW" "2012")
?c a swc:OrganizedEvent ;
rdfs:label ?c_name ;
timeline:atDate ?c_date .
?cr a swc:OrganizedEvent ;
rdfs:label ?cr_name ;
timeline:atDate ?cr_date .
?w a bibo:Workshop ;
swc:isSubEventOf ?c .
?wr rdfs:seeAlso ?w ;
swc:isSubEventOf ?cr .
?p a swrc:Proceedings ;
bibo:presentedAt ?w .
?pr a swrc:Proceedings ;
bibo:presentedAt ?wr .
SELECT ?p (COUNT(?pub) AS ?p_num_pubs) {
?p dcterms:hasPart ?pub .
?pub a swrc:InProceedings .
SELECT ?pr (COUNT(?pub) AS ?pr_num_pubs) {
?pr dcterms:hasPart ?pub .
?pub a swrc:InProceedings .
FILTER(?c_name = ?acrn && ?cr_name = ?acrn && STR(YEAR(?c_date)) = ?year && ?c_date < ?cr_date)
GROUP BY ?acrn ?year
FILTER(?c_name = ?acrn && ?cr_name = ?acrn && STR(YEAR(?c_date)) = ?year && ?c_date < ?cr_date && (?pr_num_pubs - ?p_num_pubs) = ?max_diff)
####Q1.17: Return the acronyms of those workshops of conference C in year Y whose previous edition was co-located with a different conference series.
SELECT (STRDT(?acrn, xsd:string) AS ?acrn_str) (YEAR(?c_date) AS ?c_year) ?w_name {
VALUES (?acrn ?year) {
("ISWC" "2012")
?c a swc:OrganizedEvent ;
rdfs:label ?c_name ;
timeline:atDate ?c_date .
?w a bibo:Workshop ;
swc:isSubEventOf ?c ;
rdfs:label ?w_name .
SELECT ?w (MAX(?date) AS ?prev_date) {
?wr a bibo:Workshop ;
timeline:atDate | timeline:beginsAtDateTime ?date .
?w rdfs:seeAlso ?wr .
?w rdfs:seeAlso ?wr .
?wr timeline:atDate | timeline:beginsAtDateTime ?wr_date ;
swc:isSubEventOf ?cr .
?cr a swc:OrganizedEvent ;
rdfs:label ?cr_name .
FILTER(?c_name = ?acrn && STR(YEAR(?c_date)) = ?year && ?cr_name != ?acrn &&
?wr_date = ?prev_date)
####Q1.18: Of the workshop series titled T, identify those editions that took place more than two months later/earlier than the previous edition that was published with CEUR-WS.org
SELECT (STRDT(?prefix, xsd:string) AS ?prefix_str) (YEAR(?prev) AS ?p) (YEAR(?date) AS ?d) {
SELECT ?prefix ?x (MAX(?y_date) as ?prev) {
VALUES ?prefix {
"Linked Data on the Web"
"Workshop on Modular Ontologies"
?x a bibo:Workshop ;
rdfs:label ?x_name ;
timeline:atDate|timeline:beginsAtDateTime ?x_date .
?y a bibo:Workshop ;
rdfs:label ?y_name ;
timeline:atDate|timeline:beginsAtDateTime ?y_date .
STRSTARTS(?x_name, ?prefix)
&& STRSTARTS(?y_name, ?prefix)
&& ?x_date > ?y_date
GROUP BY ?prefix ?x
?x timeline:atDate|timeline:beginsAtDateTime ?date .
FILTER(ABS(MONTH(?date) - MONTH(?prev))>=2)
####Q1.19: Identify all countries that the authors of all regular papers in workshop W were from
SELECT DISTINCT ?proc ?country {
VALUES ?proc {
?proc dcterms:hasPart ?pub .
?pub dbpedia-owl:country ?country .
####Q1.20: Identify those papers in workshop W that were (co-)authored by people from the same institution as one of the chairs (including papers by chairs)
VALUES ?proc {
?proc dcterms:hasPart ?pub ;
swrc:affiliation ?affiliation .
?pub swrc:affiliation ?affiliation .