Powerful formula-syntax evaluator for Apex and LWC.
- Supports all the most important operators and functions available in Salesforce formulas
- Support for lists and maps, including spread operator (
) support. - Automatically understands relationships and can extract data from child records
- Comment support
- String interpolations
- Pre-built LWC component to evaluate Expressions in record pages and Experience Builder sites
- And much more!
Object simpleMath = expression.Evaluator.run('(1 + 1) * 10');
System.debug(simpleMath); // 20
Object respectsPemdas = expression.Evaluator.run('1 + 1 * 10 + 50 * 20 / 100 + (20 * 20 /10)');
System.debug(respectsPemdas); // 61
Object simpleConcat = expression.Evaluator.run('"π hello " + "there!"');
System.debug(simpleConcat); // π hello there!
Id recordId = '001Oy00000GkWjfIAF';
Object interpolation = expression.Evaluator.run('"π hello ${Name}"', recordId);
System.debug(interpolation); // π hello Acme Inc.
// Calculating if a year is a leap year
Id recordId = '001Oy00000GkWjfIAF';
Object result = expression.Evaluator.run('OR(\n' +
' MOD( YEAR( DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ), 400 ) = 0, \n' +
' AND( \n' +
' MOD( YEAR( DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ), 4 ) = 0,\n' +
' MOD( YEAR( DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) ), 100 ) != 0\n' +
' )\n' +
')', recordId);
System.debug(result); // true
// Determining the the region of an address
Id recordId = '001Oy00000GkWjfIAF';
Object result = expression.Evaluator.run('IF(ISBLANK(BillingState), "None",\n' +
'IF(CONTAINS("AK:AZ:CA:HA:NV:NM:OR:UT:WA", BillingState), "West",\n' +
'IF(CONTAINS("CO:ID:MT:KS:OK:TX:WY", BillingState), "Central",\n' +
'IF(CONTAINS("CT:ME:MA:NH:NY:PA:RI:VT", BillingState), "East",\n' +
'IF(CONTAINS("AL:AR:DC:DE:FL:GA:KY:LA:MD:MS:NC:NJ:SC:TN:VA:WV", BillingState), "South",\n' +
'IF(CONTAINS("IL:IN:IA:MI:MN:MO:NE:ND:OH:SD:WI", BillingState), "North", "Other"))))))', recordId);
System.debug(result); // South
Object listExample = expression.Evaluator.run('[1, 2, 3]');
System.debug(listExample); // (1 2 3)
Object mapExample = expression.Evaluator.run('{"key": "value"}');
System.debug(mapExample); // {key=value}
Id recordId = '001Oy00000GkWjfIAF';
Object result = expression.Evaluator.run(
'ChildAccounts ' +
'-> WHERE(AnnualRevenue > 200) ' +
'-> WHERE(NumberOfEmployees > 10) ' +
'-> MAP(Name)',
System.debug(result); // (Acme Inc. Acme Subsidiary)
String expr = 'fun factorial(n) => IF(n = 0 || n = 1, 1, n * factorial(n - 1));\n' +
'\n' +
Object result = Evaluator.run(expr);
System.debug(result); // 120
- Introduction
- Usage
- Language Features
- Standard Library
- Advanced Usage
- Components
For the full Expression language documentation, please visit cesarparra.github.io/expression/.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
Create a scratch org by running:
sf org create scratch -f config/dev.json -a Expression --set-default
Push the source to the scratch org:
sf project deploy start
Assign the Expression Admin
permission set to the default user:
sf org assign permset -n Expression_Admin
While debugging, you might find it helpful to see the generated AST for a given expression.
The source code includes a Visitor
whose sole purpose is to do this, AstPrinter
. When enabled, it will
print the AST to the logs.
You can enable it by passing an expression.Configuration
option to the run
method with the printAst
option enabled :
expression.Configuration config = new expression.Configuration().printAst();
Object value = expression.Evaluator.run('AND(true, false, 1=1)', config);
// Outputs to the logs:
// (AND true false (= 1 1))
Run the tests with:
sf apex test run