[!] We switched to upstream ODS (until a need to fork arises), so the repo has been archived.
ownCloud Design System is based on Vue Design System - Thanks a lot to @viljamis
Head over to the generated docs for more information!
Install the ownCloud design system by running
npm install owncloud-design-system
yarn add owncloud-design-system
and its peerDependencies
, depending on whether they're already available in your project via
npm install @popperjs/core @vue/composition-api filesize focus-trap focus-trap-vue fuse.js luxon postcss-import postcss-url tippy.js v-calendar vue vue-inline-svg vue-select webfontloader
yarn add @popperjs/core @vue/composition-api filesize focus-trap focus-trap-vue fuse.js luxon postcss-import postcss-url tippy.js v-calendar vue vue-inline-svg vue-select webfontloader
You basically run
yarn install
followed by
yarn start
This will fire up a web server at http://localhost:6060. Any changes to the code base will result it rebuilding the docs and reloading the content in the browser.