Conflict manager and comments
It is possible to lock the database during comments insertion. This new
version fixes that.
BAM reporting dimensions computation
If there are retention files, dimensions computation could fail because of
conflicts between new block computation and old ones (the ones in the
retention). There was also an issue of concurrent access to tables during
dimensions computation.
BAM availabilities rebuild
When availabilities are rebuilt, durations can be doubled. This new version
fixes this issue.
Logs are sent to the database in bulk as we already do for customvariables.
There is a new API available for the Lua connector. To use it, scripts
must declare a global variable broker_api_version=2
. From the user's
point of view, Stream Connectors should work almost the same. In isolate
cases, we could see scripts that do not work with this new API, then you
can always work with Broker API version 1, by setting the variable to 1
or by removing this variable declaration in the script. Why should we
use the v2 version? Because it is faster, really faster.
TCP connections
If the connection between two peers is flapping, it may be difficult for one
to reconnect to the other and this could lead to many CLOSE_WAIT on the
acceptor side. This new version fixes this issue.
For more information, report to the official documentation release notes.