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Helen Burns edited this page May 1, 2019 · 1 revision
  • NDBF – Set to 1 (we only have one input land-use file).
  • LUDAT – Set to e.g. lulc1km_masaya.dat. This is the main output file containing the land-use categories on the intended CALPUFF grid.
  • RUNLST – Set to e.g. ctgproc_masaya.lst.
  • Subgroup (0b) – At the end of this section, ensure that there is only one line that reads "! GLAZNA = data/nalulcl20.bil ! !END!". This is the path to the land-use data file.
  • MESHGLAZ – Set to 2 (1km res) or 11 (100m res). This will e.g. split each 1km input grid cell into 2x2 grid cells (each assigned the same land-use category). This ensures that there will be no 1km-res CALPUFF grid cells with missing data in them.
  • PMAP – Set to ‘UTM’
  • IUTMZN – Set to 16
  • DATUM – Set to ‘WGS-84’
  • XREFKM – Set to 525.09417
  • YREFKM – Set to 1294.23926
  • NX – Set to 91 (1km res) or 901 (100m res)
  • NY – Set to 55 (1km res) or 541 (100m res)
  • DGRIDKM – Set to 1.0 (1km res) or 0.1 (100m res)
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