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Daily Loogie is a platform where oner random Loogie NFT is available for auction every day. People interested can participate by placing their bids on the NFT and at the end of the day, the Loogie is awarded to the highest bidder. This process repeats daily, and a chance for users to acquire unique Loogie NFTs till 3728 loogies have been minted. Users are also allowed to vote for the next Loogie for the Next day from a selection of four randomly chosen Loogie NFTs.
DailyLoogie is built using 🏗 Scaffold-ETH 2 and The Graph protocol. The graph Protocol was used to query data from the smart contract. The main components of the project's smart contracts include:
- Loogie.sol: This contract is responsible for creating the SVG-based NFTs representing Loogies and mint.
- Loogie Auction: Handles the Auction functionality, allowing users to bid on Loogie NFTs.
- Loogie Voting: Vote for Next Loogie (WIP)
- Bid for todays Loogies: Users can place bids on the Loogie NFT.
- Refund: Users receive refunds for their bids if they are not the highest bidder for a particular auction at
- Vote: Users can vote on their suggestion of the next Loogie
- History: See bid history and their winners
- All proceeds goes to the Buidl Guidl Address ... and more
1. Pseudo Randomness: Implementing reliable and unpredictable randomness for selecting the NFTs to be auctioned and voted on was a challenge. Ensuring fairness and unpredictability in the selection process required innovative solutions. We decided to go with a temporary solution for now
2. Time: Developing a functional and user-friendly platform within a timeframe was a challenge. We had to Priorite features. So future updates will be made after MVP is launched
Daily loogie was inspired by Nouns and Optimistic Loogies. My aim was to create an Auction system for Optimistic Loogies
Before you begin, you need to install the following tools:
Clone the repository.
git clone
Install all the packages required.
cd DailyLoogies && \
yarn install
Next, we will want to start up our local blockchain so that we can eventually deploy and test our smart contracts. Scaffold-ETH 2 comes with Hardhat by default. To spin up the chain just type the following yarn command…
yarn chain
You will keep this window up and available so that you can see any output from hardhat console. 🖥️
Next we are going to spin up our frontend application. Scaffold-ETH 2 comes with NextJS by default and also can be started with a simple yarn command. You will need to open up a new command line and type the following…
yarn start
You will also want to keep this window up at all times so that you can debug any code changes you make to NextJS, debug performance or just check that the server is running properly.
Next, you will want to open up a third window where you can deploy your smart contract, along with some other useful commands found in Scaffold-ETH. To do a deploy you can simply run the following…
yarn deploy
You should get a tx along with an address and amount of gas spent on the deploy. ⛽
If you navigate to http://localhost:3000 you should see the NextJS application. Explore the menus and features of Scaffold-ETH 2! Someone call in an emergency, cause hot damn that is fire! 🔥
Now that we have spun up our blockchain, started our frontend application and deployed our smart contract, we can start setting up our subgraph and utilize The Graph!
Before following these steps be sure Docker is running!
First run the following to clean up any old data. Do this if you need to reset everything.
yarn clean-node
We can now spin up a graph node by running the following command… 🧑🚀
yarn run-node
This will spin up all the containers for The Graph using docker-compose. You will want to keep this window open at all times so that you can see log output from Docker.
As stated before, be sure to keep this window open so that you can see any log output from Docker. 🔎
NOTE FOR LINUX USERS: If you are running Linux you will need some additional changes to the project.
Update your package.json in packages/hardhat with the following command line option for the hardhat chain.
"chain": "hardhat node --network hardhat --no-deploy --hostname"
Save the file and then restart your chain in its original window.
yarn chain
You might also need to add a firewall exception for port 8432. As an example for Ubuntu... run the following command.
sudo ufw allow 8545/tcp
Matchstick is a unit testing framework, developed by LimeChain, that enables subgraph developers to test their mapping logic in a sandboxed environment and deploy their subgraphs with confidence!
The project comes with a pre-written test located in packages/subgraph/tests/asserts.test.ts
To test simply type....
yarn subgraph:test
This will run
graph test
and automatically download the needed files for testing.
You should receive the following output.
Fetching latest version tag...
Downloading release from
binary-macos-11-m1 has been installed!
___ ___ _ _ _ _ _
| \/ | | | | | | | (_) | |
| . . | __ _| |_ ___| |__ ___| |_ _ ___| | __
| |\/| |/ _` | __/ __| '_ \/ __| __| |/ __| |/ /
| | | | (_| | || (__| | | \__ \ |_| | (__| <
\_| |_/\__,_|\__\___|_| |_|___/\__|_|\___|_|\_\
💬 Compiling asserts...
Igniting tests 🔥
√ Greeting and Sender entities - 0.102ms
All 1 tests passed! 😎
[Thu, 07 Mar 2024 15:10:26 -0800] Program executed in: 1.838s.
Now we can open up a fourth window to finish setting up The Graph. 😅 In this forth window we will create our local subgraph!
Note: You will only need to do this once.
yarn local-create
You should see some output stating your Subgraph has been created along with a log output on your graph-node inside docker.
Next we will ship our subgraph! You will need to give your subgraph a version after executing this command. (e.g. 0.0.1).
yarn local-ship
This command does the following all in one… 🚀🚀🚀
- Copies the contracts ABI from the hardhat/deployments folder
- Generates the networks.json file
- Generates AssemblyScript types from the subgraph schema and the contract ABIs.
- Compiles and checks the mapping functions.
- … and deploy a local subgraph!
If you get an error ts-node you can install it with the following command
npm install -g ts-node
You should get a build completed output along with the address of your Subgraph endpoint.
Build completed: QmYdGWsVSUYTd1dJnqn84kJkDggc2GD9RZWK5xLVEMB9iP
Deployed to http://localhost:8000/subgraphs/name/loogies
Subgraph endpoints:
Queries (HTTP): http://localhost:8000/subgraphs/name/scaffold-eth/your-contract
Go ahead and head over to your subgraph endpoint and take a look!
Here is an example query…
loogies( orderBy:id orderDirection:desc) {
owner {
If all is well and you’ve sent a transaction to your smart contract then you will see a similar data output!
Next up we will dive into a bit more detail on how The Graph works so that as you start adding events to your smart contract you can start indexing and parsing the data you need for your front end application.
yarn run-node
Spin up a local graph node (requires Docker).
yarn stop-node
Stop the local graph node.
yarn clean-node
Remove the data from the local graph node.
yarn local-create
Create your local subgraph (only required once).
yarn local-remove
Delete a local subgprah.
yarn abi-copy
Copy the contracts ABI from the hardhat/deployments folder. Generates the networks.json file too.
yarn codegen
Generates AssemblyScript types from the subgraph schema and the contract ABIs.
yarn build
Compile and check the mapping functions.
yarn local-deploy
Deploy a local subgraph.
yarn local-ship
Run all the required commands to deploy a local subgraph (abi-copy, codegen, build and local-deploy).
yarn deploy
Deploy a subgraph to TheGraph.