- Update the configuration in
. - Build the Docker image with
make build
. - Run Terraform apply with
make apply
. - Create the database and admin user:
# Connect to the ECS task
aws ecs execute-command --cluster superset \
--container superset \
--task "$ECS_TASK_ID" \
--region ca-central-1 \
--interactive \
--command "/bin/bash"
# Run database migrations
superset db upgrade
# Create admin user
superset fab create-admin \
--username admin\
--firstname Some \
--lastname Body \
--email some.body@cds-snc.ca \
--password "$ADMIN_PASSWORD"
# Setup roles/perms
superset init
You will need Docker and Docker Compose, and optionally VS Code devcontainers:
- Run
make localhost
. - Username and password are
at http://localhost:8088.
Use the database connection details in ./databases
to connect to datasources.
To set up the development environment, run the following commands:
make install_dev && make fmt