Experiments with using three.js as an object viewer.
View at: https://cdlib.github.io/threejs-viewer
This repository is no longer used or maintained and is now archived.
Requires Node, npm.
npm install
The glTF model demos require .gltf files in ./models and referenced in ./js/models.json.
Obj files can be manually converted to Draco-compressed glTF files with the following process:
- Create a folder at the root project level named OBJ and add .obj files there
- Run
FILENAME=[obj filename] npm run togltf
where [obj filename] is the name of the obj file you want to convert in ./OBJ
The converted glTF file including any associated texture and buffer files will be placed in ./models.
npm start
npm run build
npm run publish
Requires GitHub Pages to be configured.