This is example repository publish Java application to Central Portal using Gradle. This example use Gradle plugin gradle-maven-publish-plugin. Pre-requisite for this would be to have a namespace created and verified in Central Portal.
GPG key is required to sign the artifacts. This step creates the gpg key. Extract the key
# Generate key
gpg --gen-key
# List key and verify key has been created and note the key id
gpg --list-keys
# Distribute public key. Following servers can be used to distribute the keys
gpg --keyserver --send-keys <email/key id>
# Verify key has been sent to the keyservers with following command
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys <email/key id>
# If the ring has multiple keys it is neccessary to specify the secret key when signing
# So list the secret keys and make a note of the key id
gpg --list-secret-keys
# Export the private key armor to configure as environment variable
# Value will be set in environment variable ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_signingInMemoryKey
gpg --export-secret-keys --armor <email/key id> | grep -v '\-\-' | grep -v '^=.' | tr -d '\n'
# Find the private key id. This will be the short string in sec line after the key type rsa
# sec rsa4096/5DD49C32 2020-06-24 [SC] [expired: 2024-06-24]
# Key id is 5DD49C32
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format short <email/key id>
This is the extract of the build.gradle file which are relevant for the Central Portal publish.
import com.vanniktech.maven.publish.JavaLibrary
import com.vanniktech.maven.publish.JavadocJar
import com.vanniktech.maven.publish.SonatypeHost
plugins {
id 'application'
id 'maven-publish'
id "com.vanniktech.maven.publish" version "0.30.0"
repositories {
// Use Maven Central for resolving dependencies.
mavenPublishing {
coordinates("name.divitotawela.sandbox", "app", "0.0.1")
pom {
name = "App"
description = "Example app"
inceptionYear = "2024"
url = ""
licenses {
license {
name = "The Apache License, Version 2.0"
url = ""
distribution = ""
developers {
developer {
id = "username"
name = "Chaminda"
url = ""
scm {
url = ""
connection = "scm:git:git://"
developerConnection = "scm:git:ssh://"
Use the Gradle command to publish the artifacts
## Export environment variables
# These can be get from the Central Portal
# These we extracted from above steps
# This is the passphrase used for the GPG key
## Publish
./gradlew publishToMavenCentral