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Epistolae is a collection of medieval Latin letters to and from women. The letters collected here date from the 4th to the 13th centuries, and they are presented in their original Latin as well as in English translation. The letters are organized by the name and biography of the women writers or recipients. Biographical sketches of the women, descriptions of the subject matter of the letters, and the historical context of the correspondence are included where available.


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Article contribution guideline

Epistolae is meant to be a cooperative project. It designed to allow for future additions and translations of letters, as well as corrections to the texts or to the information offered. Some scholars and presses have already contributed letters and translations, and their contributions are gratefully acknowledged in the text. Users are invited to participate by sending material or inquiries to <a mailto:""> Contributions, fully acknowledged, will be put online after review for accuracy and style by members of the Epistolae Board.

Please send suggested corrections or additional information about the texts already online. If you have translations with accompanying material for other letters and wish to contribute them, or if you have knowledge of letters from archives and manuscripts or from published chronicles that may not be known to us, please let us kno