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Compile and Publish Resume

This project lets me build my current static resume.
Take a look at it here.

Inside the Box

This generates some HTML pages, printed out to PDF with Puppeteer.

Technologies used:


Development merely uses the standard NodeJS process (using pnpm);
Publication is automated through Continuous Deployment, leverating GitHub Actions.

Set up

Install with pnpm install.


Continuously watch-rebuild with pnpm start (or npx webpack serve --mode development) during development;
Perform a one-off compilation with pnpm build (or npx webpack --mode production).

The output (and the pre-compiled HTML-CSS-JS assets in development mode) will be generated under dist/.

Build Options


    • whether to automatically insert soft-hyphens wherever applicable
    • enabled with any value starting with y; defaults to no
    • disabled by default with production builds, for having ­ littered throughout each and every word isn't quite SEO-friendly, and might even throw off ATSes

    • the name of the output file, defaults to ccjmne-resume.pdf
    • generate screenshot if output ends in .png; otherwise coerce extension to .pdf


There is nothing to do, this process is automated.

With each newly published release on GitHub,

  1. a GitHub Action will use Webpack to:
    • compile and generate the static HTML webpage,
    • print it out to PDF through my own PDF-Printer Webpack Plugin,
    • ensure accurate manual hyphenation by comparing w/ automatically hyphenated version,
    • create and upload the generated resume as as GitHub Artifact
  2. a subsequent job will:
    • retrieve the compiled artifact,
    • generate a stripped-down index.html that merely sets up an HTML Meta Refresh to the PDF resume,
    • push a new commit to the gh-pages branch, referencing the original commit to master that triggered the rebuild-redeploy
  3. this commit to gh-pages triggers another GitHub Action that publishes my resume here, with GitHub Pages



You may copy, distribute and modify the software as long as you track changes/dates in source files. Any modifications to or software including (via compiler) GPL-licensed code must also be made available under the GPL along with build & install instructions.

Refer to the LICENSE file for more details.