issues Search Results · repo:cbroeckl/RAMClustR language:R
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incbroeckl/RAMClustR (press backspace or delete to remove)Hi, with the new version of the package 1.3.1, option to have procesed ms1 and ms2 data in the same xcms object is lost.
Meanwhile I can run my script in 1.2.4 in the new version I get this message: number ...
- Opened on Feb 22, 2024
- #53
we tried to perform RAMClustR by importing the xcms preprocessed data as provided in your vignette. However, we couldn t
proceed further due to the following error:
Error in (function (classes, fdef, ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 3, 2024
- #52
Hello, I have been trying to use the ramclustr function for deconvolution of an XCMS feature table. I have tried my own
data as well as the example data and everything has thrown the error below:
Error ...
- 8
- Opened on Oct 19, 2023
- #51
Hi, I am getting this new error which I don t know the reason for. I have been using RAMClustR the same way as I have
been using it before. Suddenly this error came up.
Error in define_samples(ramclustObj, ...
- 3
- Opened on Aug 21, 2023
- #50
Hi guys,
Recently the patRoon CI tests seems to be reporting different results for RAMClustR. Among those differences are
negative values for neutral masses (RC$M)... It seems there was a new version ...
- 7
- Opened on Jul 12, 2023
- #48
Hi, I use the function writemsp to import the full dataset to a spectra object. I notice that the precursor that is
given to each compound differ from the precursor calculate with the do.findmain. In general ...
- 11
- Opened on Jun 20, 2023
- #47
@zargham-ahmad - can we put all the general functions into one file? For example, create_ramclustObj() is a function
created in, but is called from and ...
- 2
- Opened on Jun 15, 2023
- #45
RAMClustR has collected quite some dependencies and maybe some of them are by now outdated or no longer needed - I think
it would make sense to go through the list of imported packages and see whether ...
- 1
- Opened on May 17, 2023
- #43
@hechth - absolutely could be done. A few items to consider:
1. are there enough samples in each group for correlation-based clustering to be meaningful? If not, it would be best
to ...
- Opened on Apr 14, 2023
- #41

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