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DevContainer setup for ROS2 course



Install the following:

  • Docker Engine
  • VS Code
  • VS Code extension: Dev Containers

Follow the listed steps to finish setup:

  1. Create a json file in the .devcontainer dir named devcontainer.json and copy the content of devcontainer - linux.json into it.


Install the following:

  • Docker Engine
  • VS Code
  • VS Code extension: Dev Containers
  • XLaunch or other Xserver

Follow the listed steps to finish setup:

  1. Create a json file in the .devcontainer dir named devcontainer.json and copy the content of devcontainer - windows.json into it.
  2. Start a Xserver with 0.0 as DISPLAY port

Start DevContainer

  1. Open this repository in VS Code.
  2. crtl + shift + P to open command prompt
  3. Enter Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container

VS Code will start the Dev Container building the Dockerfile found in the /docker dir. This is a basic ROS2 Jazzy Container with the following ROS related binaries installed:

  • ros-jazzy-plotjuggler-ros, a topic plotter package.
  • ros-jazzy-moveit, binary install of the base MoveIt2 packages
  • ros-jazzy-ros-gz, binary install of gz-sim11 Gazebo Harmonic ROS2
  • '~nros-jazzy-rqt*', RQT for ROS2 Jazzy

Installing in Container

The ~/ros2_ws/src directory in the container is bound to the src directory in this repository. Which means source installs are persistent and saved when stopping and/or rebuilding the DevContainer. The opposite is true for binary installs, these are not persistent. Unless added to the Dockerfile.

ROS2 packages should be installed/cloned into the ~/ros2_ws/src folder. To install the dependencies for these packages use:

cd ~/ros2_ws
sudo apt update
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y -r

This should install all package dependencies referenced in the package.xml files. To build the workspace use:

cd ~/ros2_ws
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash

Start BFFP Demo Factory

After installing the rosdeps and building and sourcing the workspace (see Installing in Container), use: ros2 launch bffp_gazebo to launch the demo. This launches a Gazebo simulation and a HC10DTP with full MoveIt2 support. Rviz2 is also launched to visualize ROS2 topics.

Start Motoman demo


Start Tiago simulation

Tiago 2D navigation using Nav2

Documentation :

1️⃣ Start Gazebo simulation of Tiago robot:

ros2 launch tiago_gazebo is_public_sim:=True world_name:=house_pick_and_place

2️⃣ In a new terminal, start cartographer to run SLAM:

ros2 launch tiago_2dnav slam:=True is_public_sim:=True

3️⃣ In a new terminal, start teleoperation from the keyboard:

ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args -r /cmd_vel:=/key_vel

Then move the robot to accumulate map data. Close teleoperation with Ctrl+C and save map to file our_map using:

ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f ~/ros2_ws/src/pal_maps/maps/our_map/map

Close the SLAM terminal with Ctrl+C. If you have not used --symlink-install, workspace building and sourcing are needed so that the new map is installed. 4️⃣ Start 2D navigation by loading your our_map map, using:

ros2 launch tiago_2dnav is_public_sim:=True world_name:=our_map

⚠️ Teleoperation and navigation both publish Twist robot commands to /cmd_vel: make sure they don't publish at the same time, your robot would receive contradictory commands. 5️⃣ In RViz use the arrows to control navigation:

  1. Estimate 2D pose to initialize random particles to an approximate position around the actual robot position
  2. Send a 2D nav goal to any point of the map: your robot must navigate there 6️⃣ Command navigation from Python code using the navigate_to_pose action service (see workshops instructions) 7️⃣ 4-waypoints robot patrol: Inspire from the goto code to add a new patrol node, endlessly patroling between 4 map poses.

Tiago arms and gripper manipulation using MoveIt2

Documentation: 8️⃣ Command MoveIt using color handles from the GUI in RViz:

ros2 launch tiago_moveit_config

9️⃣ Command MoveIt from Python file ros2_ws/src/tiago_pick_and_place/tiago_pick_and_place/

# Warning: before executing, first edit the file to uncomment the code that you want
ros2 launch tiago_pick_and_place use_sim_time:=True


DevContainer setup for ROS2 course






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