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HTML Converter for Compose Multiplatform

This library provides a simple API to convert HTML to Compose's AnnotatedString, including styling and paragraphs. It can also be used to convert HTML to unstyled text.

It can be considered as a multiplatform replacement for Android's Html.fromHtml() API with support for more tags and better performance.

Platform Supported
Desktop (JVM)

The iOS platform is not yet supported: testers and contributors are welcome.

The Web platform should use the DOM wrapper API to insert HTML directly in the web page.


Maven Central

Add the dependency to your module's build.gradle or build.gradle.kts file:

dependencies {

For Kotlin Multiplatform projects:

sourceSets {
    val commonMain by getting {
        dependencies {


To display styled HTML in a Text composable:

    text = remember(html) { htmlToAnnotatedString(html) },
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()

If called from inside a @Composable function, in most cases it is recommended to use remember() to cache the result of the conversion, to avoid recomputation on each recomposition.

To convert HTML to unstyled text:

val rawText = htmlToString(html)

Both functions take an optional compactMode boolean argument. When set to true, all paragraphs will be separated by a single line break instead of two, as it is normally the case for the tags: p, blockquote, pre, ul, ol, dl, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6. The default value is false.

Custom styling

The htmlToAnnotatedString() function takes an optional style argument of type HtmlStyle which allows to customize styling. The currently provided options are:

  • textLinkStyles: Optional collection of styles for hyperlinks (content of a tags). Default is a simple underline. When set to null, hyperlinks will not be styled, which can be useful when they are not clickable (see next section).
  • indentUnit: Unit of indentation for block quotations and nested lists. Default is 24 sp. Note that em units are not yet supported for indentation in Compose Desktop.

For example, here is how to style hyperlinks to use the theme's primary color with no underline:

val linkColor = MaterialTheme.colors.primary
val convertedText = remember(html, linkColor) {
        style = HtmlStyle(
            textLinkStyles = TextLinkStyles(
                style = SpanStyle(color = linkColor)
    text = convertedText,
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()

Handling hyperlink clicks

Hyperlinks (content of a tags) will be annotated with LinkAnnotation.Url. When clicked, they will automatically be handled by the default UriHandler which will open them using the platform's default browser.

To override that behavior or disable click handling completely, specify a custom linkInteractionListener argument:

val convertedText = remember(html) {
        linkInteractionListener = { link ->
            if (link is LinkAnnotation.Url) {
    text = convertedText,
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()

Custom parsing

The htmlToAnnotatedString() and htmlToString() functions provide an overload that accepts an HTMLParser first argument in place of a String.

HTMLParser is an interface that you may implement to provide your own parser, in case the HTML is not directly available as a String (for example as a character stream or encoded using a binary format).

The default implementation uses the KtXml multiplatform XML parser library combined with extra code to handle HTML entities and invalid HTML.

Supported HTML tags

  • Inline tags with styling: strong, b (bold), em, cite, dfn, i (italic), big (bigger text), small (smaller text), tt, code (monospace font), a (hyperlink), u (underline), del, s, strike (strikethrough), sup (supertext), sub (subtext)
  • Block tags (paragraphs): p, blockquote, pre (including monospace font), div, header, footer, main, nav, aside, section, article, address, figure, figcaption, video, audio (no player shown, only inline text)
  • Horizontal rule: hr (no line drawn, but marks a new paragraph)
  • Lists: ul, ol, li, dl, dt, dd
  • Section headings: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
  • Line break: br

The following tags are skipped, along with their content: script, head, table, form, fieldset.

Others tags are ignored and replaced by their content, if any.

All HTML entities appearing in the text will be properly decoded as well.

Used libraries

What to expect from future versions

  • Unit tests
  • Support for displaying images as inline content
  • iOS support (with help from the community).


Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Christophe Beyls
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.