This is a single-page application portfolio for a web developer: Catherine Portfolio. It includes four sections: 'About me' where I introduce myself, 'Portfolio' where I showcase six of my projects, 'Contact' form where anyone can fill out the form and send me an email, and finally 'Resume' page where anyone can view my technical skills or download my resume. I build this project so I can deponstrate and practice my React skills and show my previous applications where I applied different technologies. This project is built using React, here I used React components, rendered elements, props, hooks, state, events, forms, and React-styling.
My motivation was to create a single-page application portfolio to demonstrate my React skills as well as inclide in my portfolio six other projects where I used other tecgnologies, libraries, and frameworks.
I built this project-portfolio so I can present it to recruters when I will be searching for a job.
This application is simple but it is a great way to show my technical skilss and talants but at the same time not overwhelm recruters. This application is great additional tool that can help in a job search process.
I learned React and that it is great technology especially for single-page projects.