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Checklist of tasks from Tripods2023

Charlotte Aten edited this page Sep 29, 2023 · 2 revisions

This is the old checklist of coding tasks we were originally working on for Tripods 2023. We have since moved to using the Issues feature of GitHub, instead.

This is the discrete neural nets wiki. On this page we'll keep track of tasks we'd like to perform. Put your name next to something in parenthesis if you'd like to do it. (And talk to us about it of course.)

  • Change __getitem__ to __call__ in Operation class. (Still one issue with (Hussein, Charlotte to fix last issue)
  • Make a Relation class which is sparse to replace the binary images. (Lily, Kevin)
  • Switch to using MNIST CSV instead of the TensorFlow MNIST so we can drop the dependency. (Kevin)
  • Make polymorphisms cache values by default. (Kevin)
  • Add Git workflow to the readme. (Charlotte)
  • Remove the path variable setting on all the test scripts. (Charlotte)
  • Add a description to the readme. (Charlotte)
  • Describe in the readme how to point the test scripts to the src folder for imports. (Charlotte)
  • Test higher-arity classification. (TJ, Karam)
  • Clean up Make scripts in the tests folder which test the dominion polymorphisms. (Hussein)
  • Implement hyperoctahedral automorphisms for higher arity relations. (Lily, Kevin)
  • Implement other higher arity versions of Hamming graph polymorphisms. (Lily, Kevin)
  • Test higher arity polymorphisms. Make examples. (Lily, Kevin)
  • Make the wiki a history of what we've done with check boxes. (Charlotte)
  • Make file storage and access faster for dominion polymorphisms.
  • Make Relations immutable so that they can be hashable or make two versions of Relation, one which is immutable and one which is not. (use dataclass decorator) (Kevin, Charlotte)
  • Remove .DS_Store and add this to the .gitignore. (Charlotte)
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