Here it will be shown how to train and use the proposed tool for media content production in the project AI4Media.
First of all, its neccesary to train the first stage of this architecture, that is based in VQ-GAN encoder-decoder.
Follow this guide:
Dont forget to modify the model config file with lookout embedding dimension and path to out dataset.
base_learning_rate: 4.5e-6
target: taming.models.vqgan.VQModel
embed_dim: 256
n_embed: 16384
double_z: False
z_channels: 256
resolution: 256
in_channels: 3
out_ch: 3
ch: 128
ch_mult: [ 1,1,2,2,4] # num_down = len(ch_mult)-1
num_res_blocks: 2
attn_resolutions: [16]
dropout: 0.0
target: taming.modules.losses.vqperceptual.VQLPIPSWithDiscriminator
disc_conditional: False
disc_in_channels: 3
disc_start: 10000
disc_weight: 0.8
codebook_weight: 1.0
target: main.DataModuleFromConfig
batch_size: 3
num_workers: 8
training_images_list_file: /home/aiiacvmllab/Documents/datasets/LookOut_UE4/train.txt
size: 256
test_images_list_file: /home/aiiacvmllab/Documents/datasets/LookOut_UE4/test.txt
size: 256
To train the model, run the following command (with propper config file, name and GPU index):
python --base configs/custom_vqgan_lookout.yaml --name custom_piramids -t True --gpus 2,
A series of wrappers have been created to load the data into the model in the format generated by the simulator, which is much simpler than those generally used. The format to be used when using a custom dataset is the one generated by airsim_dataset_generator. Note that the yaml configuration file must be opened to set the paths to the models for the images encoder-decoder (first stage).
torchrun --nproc_per_node=1 --master_port=14900 --dataset custom --name exp_multitask_pyramids --base ./configs/custom/custom_16x16_sine_cview_adaptive.yaml --data_path /home/aiiacvmllab/Documents/datasets/LookOut_Piramids_UE4/ --batch_size 1 --gpu 0
Using the following ROS launch file: lookout_infer.launch, the proposed tool can be executed. Make sure to set all parameters to those that fit your data and needs.
Using this launch file, two different nodes will be executed:
image_and_poses_pub_node: Regarding the poses from which you want to synthesise new views, it will read text files in the predefined format and publish them in a ROS topic (defined in the launch file) of type PoseArray. Regarding the initial image, it will also be read from a local path and published throw a ROS topic (defined in the launch file) of type Image.
lookout_infer_node: It will synchronously subscript to previously defined topics and synthesise a series of novel views according to the size of the PoseArray received. These will be published in a ROS topic (defined in the launch file) Image of type during the inference.
Below is shown the ROS nodes diagram: